Friday, April 29, 2011

Macabre Monday "Alone in the Dark" challenge

Just popping in between Zombie posts
and showing you what I did for this week's
Macabre Monday - "Alone in the Dark" challenge
at Haunted Design House.

Another Banner, but more elegant!

This week is sponsored by our very own Minion,

The very first image I ever purchased from Teri was

It was fun to color him in, although I did have
a bit of a time with the shading since I chose
to follow along with the dot technique for most of it.
I like the effect it lends to the gargoyle and it's not 
my normal way of shading so I like the new look to
my coloring.  
I have a fondness for gargoyles (yes, another collection)
and I don't find this guy grotesque at all.
Just wanted to put that out there.

Now for a little show and tell.
This is "Drago", named after Billy Drago.

Gargoyle shelf, awesome Pinky Toast framed print
and Haunted Mansion mini replica placard (I have the vulture one also).

Cat gargoyles on an arch, various other 'goyles
and my beloved "Cosmos". 

Thumb sucking cherub gargoyle, mini Gryphon 'goyle,
and fat butt Gargoyle (and "Mos").

And now, back to our regularly scheduled post.
I ended up fussy cutting this Guardian of the Graveyard,
and sticking him in the foreground of a very dark scene
that I found online.

Please join us this week at HDH for our
"Alone in the Dark" challenge
using black or an eerily dark background (c'mon, how easy is that?!)
sponsored by  Delicious Doodles!!
You have until 10:00PM CST Sunday to play.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness gracious woman how much stuff do you own! I mean it is all super cool crackin stuff but is there any room left for breathers in the house tehe. Loving your card and so loving your ornaments and your little cats x


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