Friday, June 21, 2013

Major brain fart....

Since my Mom passed away back in March, I have had a rough
time getting my shit together. I try to stay busy, but to the point
where I have numerous unfinished projects throughout my house.
I still have artwork, photos, and masks to hang in the living room.
I have cloches to fill and display my new artwork/sculptures.
I have quite a few pieces of statuary awaiting their impending 
zombification. Not to mention the many DT projects I have in my
head, but have yet to come to fruition. Scattered, is putting it mildly.
So it's no wonder that I have forgotten to post some really cool 
DT projects that made the deadlines, but never saw the light of day
on my personal blog. Again, hours go by and the stuff I was supposed to
do never gets accomplished. Depressed much? Grrrrr.
Anyhoo, here are some projects I have completed in the past couple of months.

This was a Mother's Day card that I created for the
now closed, Summertime challenge at Dilly Beans.  

I made this for a dear boy named, Griffin. He has had a life changing
surgery and needs good cheer while he's recovering in the hospital.
If you'd like to send a card to Griffin, check out this post.

This one went to Griffin as well.

This was for a previous Black and White challenge for Dilly Beans.

I am a huge fan of Barbara, over at Forgotten Scraps,
and what she can do with some Copics and a (yikes!) Tilda image.
Really, this lady is muy talented! Check out this post,
and this one, and this one, too!

So, when Barbara invited me to be a Guest DT for the recent 
how could I refuse?

I think Barbara was hoping I'd try to transform these images like she
does with the Tilda's (and these as well), but I was too intimidated. 
Maybe I'll give it a shot in the near future.

Here is a tombstone from Smeared Ink who was sponsoring
I used Liquid Applique for the fingers. I like it!

I only managed to make a couple of Father's Day cards this year.

I used some cool Volkswagen stamps from Stamper's Best.
I colored them with Distress Inks. I was trying get that
vintage look. 
I also got a killer deal on a bunch of Tim Holtz goodies on ebay.
I really dig these tags. Very masculine.

This one was for the Birds, Eggs, Nests challenge at WW last week.

This one was for WW ATC, too. I used these cute owls from 

This is for the current challenge at WW ATC,
I used the feather from Digi Darla.

This one is also for the "Symbols of Peace"
challenge at WW ATC

I just had to do it.
I snagged this image off the internets.

I think this may have caught me up to current projects, yet to be posted.
Thanks for dropping by.

Keep it Creepy.



  1. I SEND YOU... bolts of happier thoughts and smiles.

  2. Gorgeous, GORGEOUS projects Glo. It is always a joy to see your works. Shame you didn't creepy-fy those little cutesy images bwahahahaha !! No Bottle !!!
    Thank you for showing us such fabulous work :-D
    IKE xxx

  3. All superb as always. You are a true little artist and can't wait to see the other things you have created. Hugs Andrea xxxxxx

  4. So sorry to hear about your Mom ... I know I wandered around in a fog for about a year after mine passed. It's good to stay busy with projects, whether you complete them or not. ♥

    P.S. Framed Bat Ghoul is my favourite. ;o)

  5. I am so sorry you are going through this, I do know it's a tough time for you, and you can still make awesome art girl!!! I love all of the projects that you have shown in this post but my favorite is the Peace, Love, Zombies. I saw it at WW totally cracked me up! I am sending you "Happy" vibes!

  6. So glad you got around to posting these fab creations, Glo. Always love your work, creepy or not. Got a chuckle at yesterday's ATC. Has your name all over it. LOL Fabulous work, Chickie. xxD

  7. Whew, all so fun, and not creepy at all...thank goodness!

    Sorry to hear you've been of my fav quotes is "if you're feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color." eg: your phenominal skin tutorial!


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