Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Loaded to the Gunwalls!

I have done it. I have amazed myself at how
awesome this card turned out.

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is
Pirate's Booty.
We are sponsored by Delicious Doodles.
Teri has a bunch of awesome images to play with.
I wanted to use them all.
I also had a birthday card to make for a friend's
daughter who is into pirates, and skulls and stuff.
Perfect timing!

I needed a card design that would accommodate all of
images I so greedily wanted to use.
Step card, here I come! 

Not bad for a first try.
This is so easy to do, it's kinda stupid.
I messed it up once, despite how easy it is though.
The measurements make all of the difference. 
Kinda like baking, and I suck at that too!

I cut a piece of card stock to 10.5" x 5.25".
I scored it at 1.25", 2.5", 4.25", 6", and 8.25".
I used a MS scoreboard, which made all of the
scoring much easier and less intimidating.
I just folded each step in an accordian fashion,
and it nearly made itself! 

After coloring the wench, the map, and the zombie,
I fussy cut all of the images out, but the hardest to cut was
that ship silhouette. It was so worth it though.
I glittered it with black fine glitter, and added some chunkier
blue glitter beneath it like the deep blue sea. Backed with a big
vellum moon really finished it all off and added some
stability for the ship and it's delicate cuts.

My favorite image of all is this incredible
Zombie Pirate.
He's available today in Teri's shop,

Just a quick peek into my madness.
What ISN'T on my workdesk Wednesday is more like it!
When I tell people I am a stay at home Mom, they almost
always say, "How do you do it? Don't you get bored?"
Umm, no... I'm always making something.
Usually, many things at once. I am an artiste!

This is my first attempt at sgraffito. I plan to cover the entire
skull with flourishes and schtuff and then add neon accents
with 3D paints before firing. The skull will be all black.
Slow and steady, but it's coming along.


  1. Gorgeously classy pirate card. Amazing colouring as always. Can;t wait to see the skull finished I think it will look immense. x

  2. Love the card - I had thoughts very like this, believe it or not! But started changing things a few hours ago. phew. The skull is looking good so far :)xx

  3. You should be boasting about this card...freakin' AWESOME!!! The layers are fab, the coloring amazing and the elements all combined are perfect!!!

  4. Absolutely amazing. I love that skull, can't wait to see the outcome!

  5. OOOhhhh FABULOUS! Wish I'd thought to glitter my ship (yeah, the fussy cutting on that one is truly a bitch). Almost made mine a step too. Great minds! But that zombie pirate is sooo frickin' AWESOME! LOVE this!!!! xxD And I connot WAIT to see that skull when it's finished. AMAzing already!

  6. Wow - love it! Stepper cards are such fun.

    Looking forward to seeing the completed skull.

    Claire x

  7. I think that is the coolest Pirate card I have ever seen. Perfect for the young man at heart. Or the pirate lover.

  8. Your card is stunning. I love all the dimension to it. And your colouring is awesome.
    Have I told you before how much I LOVE your blog background :)

  9. So I'm scrolling wildly through my google reader and your stunning card rolls by...I knew in an instant without even reading the blog name it belonged to you because of the awesomeness of the whole thing...not to mention the FABULOUS coloring!
    Your card is wickedly stunning! I always look forward to seeing your work.
    the skull looks interesting, I can't wait to see it finished!

  10. Brilliant Gloria I love how you have combined all the fantastic images from Teri's shop xxx

  11. The glittered ship and vellum moon are fantastic! Well, the entire card is, but I want to love those bits until their eyes pop out.

    Can't wait to see the finished skull!

  12. This is fantastic! One of the coolest things I hve seen in a long time!!!!


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