Current Design Teams

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Etsy find: Covington Creations

As you know, I have an Etsy shoppe.
As you also may have deduced from my previous postings,
I like to shop.
I mainly love to shop on Etsy for unique, and strange, hand crafted items.

I recently had the immense pleasure of doing a little
"artisan trading" with the lovely and talented,
Michell Covington, of

I have been stalking and admiring her clay art for some time
now and have been trying to decide which of her creations
I wanted to purchase when she listed,
"Mr. Creepers".
I immediately emailed Michell and told her
I must have Mr. Creepers.
After a bit of negotiating, and a handful of pumpkins,
he was all mine.
Thank you Michell!

Please stop by Michell's Etsy shoppe,
and if you're as cool as me, you'll
want to own a piece of her amazing art.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - HDH095 - From the Bone Pile

Happy Hump Day!
This week's Macabre Monday challenge at HDH, is
"From the Bone Pile",
which loosely translated, means use your scraps!
I have so many scraps I should chase a ball and wag my tail!
Really, I have  5 drawers of color separated scraps, plus a few
photo boxes full of Hallowe'en and neutral scraps.
Don't even get me started on my ribbon scraps.

Anyhoo, I always need little note cards to add in with
my Etsy orders, and I usually just make one on the spot
which just slows this little turtle's operation to a crawl.
I decided to make the most of this challenge and kill two
zombies with one bullet.

I always punch out more shapes than I need when using
my Spellbinders so I have a couple of SU stamp cases full of
pre-punched die cuts.

I had fun using the white embossing on the pumpkin,
and then just sponging the color on with a dauber for
effect. I used a scrap of killer digi paper from
with spiders and flies and bloody
finger prints on it. Perfect!

I used a push pin to pull the orange Stickles
out from the spider's body to her legs.

These are for my "less glittery" customers.
More masculine and less shiny. 

I kept everything really simple as these are just
giveaway cards and I didn't want to spend too much
time on them. I tend to spend way too much time
fiddling around with my cards.

Note cards for Etsy orders - check!
Macabre Monday "From the Bone Pile" - check!

There is still plenty of time to play along with us

This week's sponsor is 
Scrap Your Scraps, who are offering a $15 voucher for their online store.
They have Copics and some incredible deals right now.
Really awesome deal on a Glue Glider Pro and refills!
Just sayin'.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ahhh, the life...

...of a leisurely crafter.
I have recently, "opened up my dance card",
and am like a kid in a candy store trying to decide which
neglected image I want to color first!

I recently acquired some new Sweet Pea images from one of 
their newer artists, Anna Marine. 

This is the "Pumpkin Queen".
Isn't she awesome?!
I wasn't really feelin' the all white background, and I was tired
of sponging the edges, so I opted for my new favorite background
technique, painting with Distress inks.
LOVE the effect it gives. Now I need more ink colors to work with.

I went very unconventional for this type of image, and used
some ivory MS Hallowe'en paper and some ivory May Arts webbed
ribbon. I used even more ivory for the fleurs and then threw in some
pops of purple with the little rose and the stick pin.
I attached a loverly, bat charm from my buddy, Catherine ({{hugs}})
and this beauty is done!
No rhyme, no reason. Just cause I wanted to make something
new and unscheduled.
Stay tuned, lots more to come!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mmmenacing Mmmermaids Mmmacabre Mmmonday

I'm a day late for my Wicked Wednesday
installment of this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
"I want to see Menacing Mermaids!", shrieked the
Masterful Mistress. And the Minions made it so.

I remember a few years back, I took my son to see 
a Peter Pan movie. They had Mermaids in that movie.
Some of the scariest freaking Mermaids ever! My son still
talks about those, "nasty fish chicks".  

I had the recent pleasure of doing business with
Teresa, from Crafts and Me.
She is an awesome lady, and a stellar business owner.
There was a hold up with her stamp manufacturer for the
new Jasmine Becket Griffith images, and as a thank you
for my patience, she gifted me some digital images from her shop.

I chose the "Columbine" image with this week's challenge in mind.
I think she's a bit on the menacing side. Did ya check out her ears?! 
This gorgeous image was a bit challenging to color, but I am happy
with how she turned out.

I used some Sweet Pea webbed ribbon I got on clearance at
Hambo Stamps. All of their May Arts ribbons are 50% off!!
I also used my new Spellbinders Fleur de Lis rectangles
and some crazy ass, Dee Gruenig paper I've had forever!

Please drop by Haunted Design House and see what the 
other Minions have created. Maybe even join in on 
the fun if you dare! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Fallout

I don't have a relationship with my father.
Maybe we are just too much alike. Yikes.
I did send him a card for the first time in three years.
More for me, than for him, but I sent one.
I don't want a phone call, but I do want him to know
I love him.

That being said, I do have three wonderful men in
my life who do deserve a heartfelt Father's Day card.

This one was for my FIL.
I was going for CAS and I managed it okay I think.
I am still new to single layer cards, but it did come together 
quite quickly. 

I opted for a handwritten sentiment as I don't have
any Father's Day stamps. I used Mercius from SBS.
I kept him monochrome to cut down
on my coloring time (which can take up to an hour or more!).

This one is for my other FIL who is a Mac geek.
This image is specifically for him. Perfect! I knew 
instantly when I saw it at Tiddly Inks ,
I had to have it for him. 

I totally struggled with the right sentiment and I finally
decided to go with a binary code with happy father's day
hidden within. Totally homemade, but effective.
I kept this one as a single layer card so I could play along with
the challenge at Tiddly Inks. 

Lastly, is my favorite card.
I immediately fell in love with the image when I saw it last year

This one is for my husband, who we both agree is
a much better father than either of us had.
He is awesome, and my son I are both uber blessed to
have him in our lives.

Happy (belated) Father's Day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

HDH093 Kuriously Korroded w/ Kenny K

I keep getting sidetracked and almost forgot to
post this card for this week's Macabre Monday.

Kenny K is the sponsor this week at Haunted Design House
and we want to see some distressing, tearing, sanding, etc.
on your project.

I chose to work with the sultry, Lady Raven. 

I had every intention of also playing along with this week's
Kenny K challenge of using your favorite color.
I guess I looked at the time left to enter incorrectly,
and missed the boat.

I found it way more difficult to come up with
some "korrosion" than I had first thought.
I ended up using distress inks on the papers that I tore
into strips, and I also finally used those weird ass
Distress Stickles on the pendants behind Lady Raven.
I also had a hard time coloring her hair. Maybe it's the lines
that represent the highlights that throws me off. I dunno.
My mojo is in limited supply as of late, so that's all folks!

I'll be back on Monday to show off some Father's Day cards.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Burton Weenies Release Day!

That's right.
Simply Betty Stamps is releasing the entire line of
The Burton Weenies for sale today!!

With the release comes the final preview of an image
that many of us on the DT have claimed as our favorite of the line.

I give you, "Pipper".

How dreadfully wonderful is she?!

I'm not sure if it's the ringlets or the look of utter
disgust, but I love this girl!!!

I broke out with some Hallowe'en papers and
 destashed with these cool orange cabochons.

As usual, Betty is offering some special deals with the
purchase of the new line, so head over to The Burtonesque Dolls
and or the Simply Betty blog for discount codes and details!! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What did I just say?!

I said, "The Burton Weenies are coming!"
No, the boys didn't sit too close to the campfire.
Betty (of Simply B Stamps) is back at it again.
She has yet another, awesome line of images releasing this Friday.
These are called the "Burton Weenies".

This is Jack Jack.

My son, who is almost 12, really likes this image.
He considers himself "sorta Emo, sorta Scene", so this
image is "tween" approved.

Since I was on a skull roll, I decided to add on some
cool, spiral Glow Skullz to finish this card off.

Next up is the loverly, Ellenore

I am quite pleased with this one.
I like the color combination and I even got to use
my new Spellbinders fancy labels die.

Ellenore is so cute! Not quite sure if she is just
holding her dolly securely, or maybe there is
something more sinister afoot.  

This little sentiment from Hambo Stamps is perfect.
"Beast Friends" indeed. 

I'll be back on Thursday with another sneak peek of
my favorite Weenie from this line.
Check out what the fabulous Burtonesque Dolls have
created using these wonderful images as well.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congratulations to

You are the winner of a $10 store credit to
Thank you to everyone who hopped along last week,
on the First Annual Skull Appreciation blog hop, and
for your thoughtful comments!   

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - HDH092 - Pleasure and Pain

This week's Wicked Wednesday Macabre Monday challenge is,
Pleasure and Pain.
Use something you love and something you hate

Haunted Design House has really been pushing the whole
"challenge" thing lately, and this week was no exception!
Now I have been busy within my own self absorbed little world lately,
so when I finally sat down to work on this week's Pleasure and Pain challenge it had
me stumped!

Usually, when I create, I make stuff that I would want to buy.
Like I would be so happy to see metallic brain cabochons
at a craft show.

If I saw this strapping young lad for sale, I would drop the
cash immediately!

And these guys?! Who could resist?

So basically, I LOVE to create creepy, fun schtuff, and kinda
HATE to part with it.
But I have prepared myself mentally, to say goodbye to
all my little babies this weekend for the right price.  

There is still plenty of time left to play along with
Step outside of your box and try something new!!  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Who's a busy beaver?!

I have been running around like a chicken
with it's head lopped off! When it rains it pours,
both literally and figuratively.
Seems that everyone has been waiting until to June to do ,
well anything! I'm only five days into June and I have
already participated in an awesome Skull Appreciation hop,
celebrated three birthdays, my shop is sponsoring
this month's challenges over at Smeared and Smudged, 
getting ready for a big craft show next weekend, and let's not
forget creating all of my wares to sell!
My husband helped me bring my coffin shaped
jewelry displays to life. I think these are gonna
look so cool with all of my earrings and schtuff
hanging off of them.

I hit the cherub jackpot last week at the thrift store,
and now I have a set of three cherub statues and some
other cherubic ornaments to zombify.

I want to create some more small sculptures for the
craft show, but I have coffin plaques, brain jewelry,
and snowflake skull ornaments to work on.
Never enough hours or stamina in one day!

So, if you don't hear from me for a while,
it's because I am busy trying to make schtuff
to sell to make some moolah next week!!!

I'll post again if I make anything cool. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Annual Worldwide Skull Appreciation Day Hop

If you happened here by chance and want
to join in from the beginning, please start
here. We have prizes to offer.....

Well it's finally here!
The First Annual Skull Appreciation Day!
The awesome Skull a Day blog started the
campaign for this long overdue day of recognition
of the cranium in it's many forms. 

As part of the idea behind the holiday and it's
associated blog hopping with Smeared Ink,
we were to create a homemade skull project of any sort
to show our appreciation for the skull. Right up my alley!
I have a special giveaway planned for one lucky
hopper, so keep reading to the end!

This is about as homemade as it gets!
I was inspired by a wonderful shop on Etsy called,
I have admired their art for quite sometime, and was very
inspired by their three dimensional skull art pieces.
It is painfully clear to me that I am not able to
recreate a human skull in any medium, be it clay,
drawing, or painting. I decided to go with a more
whimsical or fantastical design and here he is! 

He is sculpted of polymer clay and then I added his designs
with paint and permanent markers.
He has my signature "wonky eyes" with a loverly purple
rhinestone set in one socket.
Finally, I mounted him onto a hand painted plaque that is
ready to be hung proudly on this day of cranial celebration!

Now the pay off for sticking around this long.
I am offering up a $10 store credit to my Etsy shop
for one lucky visitor who is randomly selected from
their comment left on this post. Make sure to leave a way
for me to contact you if you are the chosen one.
I will pick a winner on Sunday, June 12th.

My sister Minion, Susan is next on this wonderful ride,
but if you get lost along the way, here is the hop list: 

There's alot of us, but it is definitely worth the price of
admission to see all of the wonderfully creative projects
everyone has worked so hard on for this hop! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

HDH091 - E.M.O.

Well, here it is already Wednesday and I still
haven't completed my "to do" list from Monday!
School is almost out and then I can resume my
natural way of crafting, completely unencumbered ,
without stopping regardless of the time or the elements!
I love summer! 
Today I have a "two birds with one stone" project.
This week's Macabre Monday sponsor is Simply Betty Stamps.
It also happens to be SBS' first year birthday!

I have used the cool Christian image from the older,
Summer Emo line at SBS.  

Okay, I may be pushing it a bit here, but
I have Earthtones for E, and Masculine for M,
and then lastly, Oceanic for O.
Like I said, it's a bit of a stretch.

Happy Birthday Betty!
Chill out, and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!
You deserve it!

There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's
Macabre Monday "E.M.O." challenge.
Simply Betty Stamps has generously sponsored
this challenge and is offering up some rubber to
both of this week's Gruesome Twosomes!