Current Design Teams

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Burton Weenies Release Day!

That's right.
Simply Betty Stamps is releasing the entire line of
The Burton Weenies for sale today!!

With the release comes the final preview of an image
that many of us on the DT have claimed as our favorite of the line.

I give you, "Pipper".

How dreadfully wonderful is she?!

I'm not sure if it's the ringlets or the look of utter
disgust, but I love this girl!!!

I broke out with some Hallowe'en papers and
 destashed with these cool orange cabochons.

As usual, Betty is offering some special deals with the
purchase of the new line, so head over to The Burtonesque Dolls
and or the Simply Betty blog for discount codes and details!! 


  1. Gorgeous card and love, LOVE how you coloured her. That paper is lush too x

  2. HEY GLO!!! Nice to see you in the release!!!! I got the pleasure of using some of your skullies in this release as well, hope you caught your shout out! LOL! Awesome card chickie!!!

    Danielle a.k.a. FitterTwit

  3. WOW! I LOVE her and her awesome green hair! Sorry I haven't been by in a while- I LOVE your work so much- just been a crazy busy month! Hope you are doing well and I haven't forgotten about the little embellies you sent me- I will be in touch soon! BEAUTIFUL card!


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