Current Design Teams

Sunday, June 19, 2011

HDH093 Kuriously Korroded w/ Kenny K

I keep getting sidetracked and almost forgot to
post this card for this week's Macabre Monday.

Kenny K is the sponsor this week at Haunted Design House
and we want to see some distressing, tearing, sanding, etc.
on your project.

I chose to work with the sultry, Lady Raven. 

I had every intention of also playing along with this week's
Kenny K challenge of using your favorite color.
I guess I looked at the time left to enter incorrectly,
and missed the boat.

I found it way more difficult to come up with
some "korrosion" than I had first thought.
I ended up using distress inks on the papers that I tore
into strips, and I also finally used those weird ass
Distress Stickles on the pendants behind Lady Raven.
I also had a hard time coloring her hair. Maybe it's the lines
that represent the highlights that throws me off. I dunno.
My mojo is in limited supply as of late, so that's all folks!

I'll be back on Monday to show off some Father's Day cards.

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