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Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Fallout

I don't have a relationship with my father.
Maybe we are just too much alike. Yikes.
I did send him a card for the first time in three years.
More for me, than for him, but I sent one.
I don't want a phone call, but I do want him to know
I love him.

That being said, I do have three wonderful men in
my life who do deserve a heartfelt Father's Day card.

This one was for my FIL.
I was going for CAS and I managed it okay I think.
I am still new to single layer cards, but it did come together 
quite quickly. 

I opted for a handwritten sentiment as I don't have
any Father's Day stamps. I used Mercius from SBS.
I kept him monochrome to cut down
on my coloring time (which can take up to an hour or more!).

This one is for my other FIL who is a Mac geek.
This image is specifically for him. Perfect! I knew 
instantly when I saw it at Tiddly Inks ,
I had to have it for him. 

I totally struggled with the right sentiment and I finally
decided to go with a binary code with happy father's day
hidden within. Totally homemade, but effective.
I kept this one as a single layer card so I could play along with
the challenge at Tiddly Inks. 

Lastly, is my favorite card.
I immediately fell in love with the image when I saw it last year

This one is for my husband, who we both agree is
a much better father than either of us had.
He is awesome, and my son I are both uber blessed to
have him in our lives.

Happy (belated) Father's Day!


  1. Hey Glo! These are all amazing! I'm trying to do more CAS, but haven't been brave enough (yet) to even try a single layer. Yours is brilliant!
    Praying for healing in your relationship with your dad. What a blessing to have your wonderful FILs and DH. (((HUGS)))

  2. Friggin Awesome colouring girl! And good on ya on the single layer cards...not sure I could do it! but these look phenominal!

  3. Awwwww. Those are amazing! I love the single layer idea, and that monochrome is to die for!!! Happy Father's Day to Mr. Glowbugg. He's a cool dude for sure. =)

  4. These are all amazing and I love your binary code sentiment! thanks so much for joining us this week at tiddly Inks!

  5. Hey Girl!! These are all amazing!!! Thank you so much for joining us this week at Tiddly Inks!! You totally rocked the one layer challenge!!

    Meredith =)

  6. OH, I love all of these!! Of course the Tiddly rocks and I LOVE the little symbols you used and sentiment on the inside...gorgeous colors too - thanks so much for joining us this week at Tiddly Inks!!

  7. Really nicely done on all of them! :) Love the handwriting and 0101010...:)

  8. All these cards are amazing. Your colouring of the images is so gorgeous. Love the sentiment on the ti card.


  9. Three absolutely tops cards. I particularly love the one with the binary code that is pure genius. Bet they were chuffed to bits x


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