Current Design Teams

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mmmenacing Mmmermaids Mmmacabre Mmmonday

I'm a day late for my Wicked Wednesday
installment of this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
"I want to see Menacing Mermaids!", shrieked the
Masterful Mistress. And the Minions made it so.

I remember a few years back, I took my son to see 
a Peter Pan movie. They had Mermaids in that movie.
Some of the scariest freaking Mermaids ever! My son still
talks about those, "nasty fish chicks".  

I had the recent pleasure of doing business with
Teresa, from Crafts and Me.
She is an awesome lady, and a stellar business owner.
There was a hold up with her stamp manufacturer for the
new Jasmine Becket Griffith images, and as a thank you
for my patience, she gifted me some digital images from her shop.

I chose the "Columbine" image with this week's challenge in mind.
I think she's a bit on the menacing side. Did ya check out her ears?! 
This gorgeous image was a bit challenging to color, but I am happy
with how she turned out.

I used some Sweet Pea webbed ribbon I got on clearance at
Hambo Stamps. All of their May Arts ribbons are 50% off!!
I also used my new Spellbinders Fleur de Lis rectangles
and some crazy ass, Dee Gruenig paper I've had forever!

Please drop by Haunted Design House and see what the 
other Minions have created. Maybe even join in on 
the fun if you dare! 


  1. Glo... this ROCKS!!! Your coloring is spot-on!!!

    Danielle a.k.a. FitterTwit

  2. Awww whatever!!! That's so not what I thought you'd put up. It's way more awesome!!! That coloring is the stipple technique.

  3. What a gorgeous colour combo. This card is beautiful am so jealous x


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