Current Design Teams

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What did I just say?!

I said, "The Burton Weenies are coming!"
No, the boys didn't sit too close to the campfire.
Betty (of Simply B Stamps) is back at it again.
She has yet another, awesome line of images releasing this Friday.
These are called the "Burton Weenies".

This is Jack Jack.

My son, who is almost 12, really likes this image.
He considers himself "sorta Emo, sorta Scene", so this
image is "tween" approved.

Since I was on a skull roll, I decided to add on some
cool, spiral Glow Skullz to finish this card off.

Next up is the loverly, Ellenore

I am quite pleased with this one.
I like the color combination and I even got to use
my new Spellbinders fancy labels die.

Ellenore is so cute! Not quite sure if she is just
holding her dolly securely, or maybe there is
something more sinister afoot.  

This little sentiment from Hambo Stamps is perfect.
"Beast Friends" indeed. 

I'll be back on Thursday with another sneak peek of
my favorite Weenie from this line.
Check out what the fabulous Burtonesque Dolls have
created using these wonderful images as well.


  1. Sorta emo, sorta scene? What's Scene? I'm so outta the loop. These are wonderful, good job! I'm really liking the way you colored JackJack.

  2. Oh WOW, Glo! LOVE the new images and what you did with them! Have to check them out! xxD

  3. LOVE the new spiral skulls too! VERY cool! xxD

  4. What the heck is scene? Love both your cards but the girl one is my fave. Love that border for the sentiment that is way too cool and lush x

  5. Very cool! Love the skull bg paper and the your swirly skulls. I need some of those. And I too am out of the loop on what scene is, will have to go look it up.

  6. OF COURSE I love your skullies, but your cards ROCK! The coloring is PERFECT!!!


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