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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Etsy find: Covington Creations

As you know, I have an Etsy shoppe.
As you also may have deduced from my previous postings,
I like to shop.
I mainly love to shop on Etsy for unique, and strange, hand crafted items.

I recently had the immense pleasure of doing a little
"artisan trading" with the lovely and talented,
Michell Covington, of

I have been stalking and admiring her clay art for some time
now and have been trying to decide which of her creations
I wanted to purchase when she listed,
"Mr. Creepers".
I immediately emailed Michell and told her
I must have Mr. Creepers.
After a bit of negotiating, and a handful of pumpkins,
he was all mine.
Thank you Michell!

Please stop by Michell's Etsy shoppe,
and if you're as cool as me, you'll
want to own a piece of her amazing art.

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