Current Design Teams

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

HDH091 - E.M.O.

Well, here it is already Wednesday and I still
haven't completed my "to do" list from Monday!
School is almost out and then I can resume my
natural way of crafting, completely unencumbered ,
without stopping regardless of the time or the elements!
I love summer! 
Today I have a "two birds with one stone" project.
This week's Macabre Monday sponsor is Simply Betty Stamps.
It also happens to be SBS' first year birthday!

I have used the cool Christian image from the older,
Summer Emo line at SBS.  

Okay, I may be pushing it a bit here, but
I have Earthtones for E, and Masculine for M,
and then lastly, Oceanic for O.
Like I said, it's a bit of a stretch.

Happy Birthday Betty!
Chill out, and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!
You deserve it!

There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's
Macabre Monday "E.M.O." challenge.
Simply Betty Stamps has generously sponsored
this challenge and is offering up some rubber to
both of this week's Gruesome Twosomes!   


  1. Awww thank you Glo! For everything, a fun year, the friendship, EVERYTHING! You rock girl!



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