Current Design Teams

Monday, September 29, 2014

Smeared Ink Monthly DT Hop

I'm not gonna say it, but damn where did it go?
The heat of the new season is upon us, and I am so not ready.
Not even a smidgen... 

Might as well get the ball rolling with another fun and inspiring
DT blog hop, starring the lovely and talented DT ladies of 
The blogroll is at the bottom of this post if you lose your place
along the way.

This month we are spotlighting

I decided to go old school, and use an oldie Grumpie.

I give you Stumpie Grumpie.
He really emotes his grumpiness, doesn't he?
It's all in the eyes. 

I have a nice collection of snarky sentiments, and I felt that this one
was befitting of ol' Grumpie Stumpie .
He looks like he could use a drink.   


Thanks so much for stopping by today.
See ya on Wednesday for the official start of October!! 

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Friday, September 26, 2014

You made me ink!

I have been so busy preparing for October 1st, that I have
been a bit neglectful of my blog. All of that is about to change very soon!
Beginning on the first day of October I will be participating in 
not one, but two, month long daily countdown hops.
I was not sure I could handle the pressure of  posting every day,
but thought, "why the hell not?".

Here's a little sumthin' sumthin' to tide you over for a couple more days.

Who doesn't love a yummy cupcake every once in a while? 
Or every time they get the chance?

This might be for someone with more of an acquired pallet.
I'm sure the Minions would gobble this right up. No questions asked.
Except for if  there's any left-overs.

I am using this delectable cupcake from the 
Candy is Dandy set from Smeared Ink. 
It is currently only available through the rubber club as a past offering,
which is now available to the public!!   
Now anyone can purchase these previously offered exclusive rubber sets!
Nice, right?
Check out all of the details here.

Okay, I colored the cupcake with Copics, and then fussy cut it out.
I was determined to use this dp from Bo Bunny. I loved it when I first
bought it, but I have been having a hell of a time using it on any projects!
My penchant for bright colors made it possible to use the paper finally.
I added the ol' Halloween standard MS drippy goo punch and 
TH skull and crossbones border with a touch of alternating Stickles. 

Thanks for dropping by today. 
I hope you'll come back and get your spook on starting October 1st!

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Gettin' Smudgy

Had a bit of a personal loss a week or so ago,
but I'm back and ready to get warmed up for the
best holiday ever, Halloween.
I even went so far as to sign up to be a Wicked Blogger
My first time ever participating! And I'm also doing the 
I am such a rebel. Or a glutton for punishment. 
Probably the latter of the two.

While cleaning up a super messy drawer, I found not one, but two
new packs of gate fold cards, complete with cool vellum envelopes.
It pays to tidy up occasionally. 
I colored up the eye scream cone from the 'Candy is Dandy' set
from Smeared Ink

In keeping with the Halloween theme, I colored
it in the 'red white and blue' of Halloween, orange, purple, and green.

 I used some Inkadinkado stamps for little accents.
I also hit those spiders with some 'orange peel' Stickles.
Added a couple of spider web die cuts from LaLaLand Crafts(?)
with a bit of 'firefly' Stickles for a nice neon pop.  

Thanks for stopping by.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Crimson Crime Scene at HDH

Today has turned quite bloody. I like that.

The current challenge over at Haunted Design House is
Crimson Crime Scene.

We are to choose a famous crime scene and draw inspiration
from it for our project. Challenges like this give me fits.
There are just too many options! I toil and fret over every
possibility, until it's almost too late to even participate.
Crazy, right?!

After much debate, 
(I even flipped a coin between Dahmer and Mason at one point)
I decided to go with my girl, Lizzy Borden, played nicely by
Karin, from Stampotique.

I began by locating an ax on Google, and then turned it into a png,
then flipped one, and crossed them like so. Then I fussy cut them
out to act as a nice backdrop for dear little Lizzy.

I used some red embossing powder to mimic the blood of her
Mother and  Father, but that wasn't sparkly enough, so I 
painted over the embossing powder with a red glitter acrylic
paint. There we are! Super sparkly splatter!!

Anyone catch the Lizzy Border Lifetime movie starring
Christina Ricci? I tried to like it. The ending was nice and wicked.
I liked that part. Usually when I hear the name 'Lizzy Borden' I think of this:

A Touch of Darkness at Aurora Wings

When you think of dark and creepy images, you may not
immediately think of Aurora Wings digital images.
But we're about to change that. 
Mitzi has a deceptively dark and macabre side to her 
and her wonderful artwork. It's no secret that she
currently has some beautifully dark and seductive images
available in her shop, but she is really embracing her dark side
with this new image called, 'Let Us In'

I feel pretty special to get to use this new image, but
since it is my challenge theme, and my birthday month, 
I'll just consider it a slightly early bday present.

Aren't they just too die for??!!
And they are perfect for our new challenge theme,
A Touch of Darkness. 

The scenario that I have created while coloring them is, 
the Big Sinister is nothing more than an innocent pawn 
for the Little Bother to control telepathically.

He is pure evil.
Notice how he has no blood on him whatsoever?
He is definitely the one in control of this diabolical duo.
Damien, from The Omen comes to mind.

Who is holding whose hand?

I had a blast coloring this image! I stayed with Warm Gray Copics, 
and then just a pop of red to give an old horror film feel.
I added the essential drippy goo punched border, and 
layered it with another (favorite) MS bat fence punch.
Lastly, I popped on a TH bat die cut to give some balance
and dimension to the card.

Please drop by the Aurora Wings Challenge Blog 
to whet your appetite for this timely Touch of Darkness challenge.
It runs for a month, so there is plenty of time to play along.

Thanks for stopping by today. I have a feeling this is
just the tip of the iceberg for creepy projects to come. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Delicious Darkness - Gotta Be Gothic

Well an entire month just flew by and we are ready
to begin our second challenge at Delicious Darkness.

The theme is always Anything Goes, but there is also an added twist,
if you'd like to be inspired and challenged further. 
The twist for this month is Gotta be Gothic.

I'm not sure that my make really qualifies for a Gothic feel, but tombstones
can be considered Gothic, right?

Of all of the the tombstones in this set, Tombstone 6
is my favorite. I began by making a shrinky dink charm of this
tombstone, but it warped the image a bit and it looked too
wonky to use. I need to master my shrink plastic technique. 
So, I switched gears and came up with this instead. Mucho bettah.

Out of the Creepy Eye set, the Reptile Eye is my absolute
favorite. I cut the center out of the tombstone, and replaced it with
this awesome eyeball. I popped the tombstone up on foam bits to give it some depth. 

 I used a cool reptile-like embossing folder to mimic the skin of the 
critter, and then used some Inka Gold metallic rub in green to give it some
of that cool reptilian shimmer and shine. Added some orange acrylic dots to
play off of the eye color.

And there you have it. All of the images are available in the 
Delicious Darkness shop. Just follow the provided links to get yours.
 Please drop by the Delicious Darkness challenge blog to check out the rest
of the awesome DT work, and maybe even be inspired to play along.  

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
My Time to Craft - Halloween
Left of Center - no dp