Current Design Teams

Monday, September 29, 2014

Smeared Ink Monthly DT Hop

I'm not gonna say it, but damn where did it go?
The heat of the new season is upon us, and I am so not ready.
Not even a smidgen... 

Might as well get the ball rolling with another fun and inspiring
DT blog hop, starring the lovely and talented DT ladies of 
The blogroll is at the bottom of this post if you lose your place
along the way.

This month we are spotlighting

I decided to go old school, and use an oldie Grumpie.

I give you Stumpie Grumpie.
He really emotes his grumpiness, doesn't he?
It's all in the eyes. 

I have a nice collection of snarky sentiments, and I felt that this one
was befitting of ol' Grumpie Stumpie .
He looks like he could use a drink.   


Thanks so much for stopping by today.
See ya on Wednesday for the official start of October!! 

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  1. Fun grumpis card, I like the spotted paper and the sentiment!
    Hugs, Elenor

  2. Oh Glow, this senti is perfect in so many ways! Rocking old school Grumpie and love your shading on him.

  3. Wow glow, I totally agree with the warning label senti. (I just don't drink) once again, go purple.

  4. Hahahahaha - brilliant !! Great card and I totally LUV the sentiment :-D Thanks for the chuckle :-D

    IKE xxxx

  5. I'd say that's pretty much every day. LOL This totally ROCKS, Glo! xxD


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