Current Design Teams

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Delicious Darkness - Gotta Be Gothic

Well an entire month just flew by and we are ready
to begin our second challenge at Delicious Darkness.

The theme is always Anything Goes, but there is also an added twist,
if you'd like to be inspired and challenged further. 
The twist for this month is Gotta be Gothic.

I'm not sure that my make really qualifies for a Gothic feel, but tombstones
can be considered Gothic, right?

Of all of the the tombstones in this set, Tombstone 6
is my favorite. I began by making a shrinky dink charm of this
tombstone, but it warped the image a bit and it looked too
wonky to use. I need to master my shrink plastic technique. 
So, I switched gears and came up with this instead. Mucho bettah.

Out of the Creepy Eye set, the Reptile Eye is my absolute
favorite. I cut the center out of the tombstone, and replaced it with
this awesome eyeball. I popped the tombstone up on foam bits to give it some depth. 

 I used a cool reptile-like embossing folder to mimic the skin of the 
critter, and then used some Inka Gold metallic rub in green to give it some
of that cool reptilian shimmer and shine. Added some orange acrylic dots to
play off of the eye color.

And there you have it. All of the images are available in the 
Delicious Darkness shop. Just follow the provided links to get yours.
 Please drop by the Delicious Darkness challenge blog to check out the rest
of the awesome DT work, and maybe even be inspired to play along.  

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
My Time to Craft - Halloween
Left of Center - no dp


  1. This is awesome! I really can feel that eye peering out at me, just love it! xx

  2. Did I tell you I love this Glo ? LOL. I still think that eye is mesmerizing. Fabulous colouring as always my friend. Love Love Love.

  3. This totally rocks! I love how you have cut out the center of the tombstone and added one of Teri's eyes. So clever you! Love the whole thing! Thank you for entering in "Left of Center Creative Challenges."
    (LOC DT)

  4. Great piece - very eye-catching (excuse the pun!!) I love the embossed background, the Inka Gold really picks out the texture, and the eye in the tombstone is just perfect - thanks for joining us at LOC, good luck and hope to see you again x

  5. This is awesome! The reptile eye has got to be a Dragon! What amazing colouring, too! Thanks for joining in at My Time to Craft!

    love Mags B x


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