Current Design Teams

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Touch of Darkness at Aurora Wings

When you think of dark and creepy images, you may not
immediately think of Aurora Wings digital images.
But we're about to change that. 
Mitzi has a deceptively dark and macabre side to her 
and her wonderful artwork. It's no secret that she
currently has some beautifully dark and seductive images
available in her shop, but she is really embracing her dark side
with this new image called, 'Let Us In'

I feel pretty special to get to use this new image, but
since it is my challenge theme, and my birthday month, 
I'll just consider it a slightly early bday present.

Aren't they just too die for??!!
And they are perfect for our new challenge theme,
A Touch of Darkness. 

The scenario that I have created while coloring them is, 
the Big Sinister is nothing more than an innocent pawn 
for the Little Bother to control telepathically.

He is pure evil.
Notice how he has no blood on him whatsoever?
He is definitely the one in control of this diabolical duo.
Damien, from The Omen comes to mind.

Who is holding whose hand?

I had a blast coloring this image! I stayed with Warm Gray Copics, 
and then just a pop of red to give an old horror film feel.
I added the essential drippy goo punched border, and 
layered it with another (favorite) MS bat fence punch.
Lastly, I popped on a TH bat die cut to give some balance
and dimension to the card.

Please drop by the Aurora Wings Challenge Blog 
to whet your appetite for this timely Touch of Darkness challenge.
It runs for a month, so there is plenty of time to play along.

Thanks for stopping by today. I have a feeling this is
just the tip of the iceberg for creepy projects to come. 


  1. Stunning Glo! I know you've not linked up yet but I'm sure we'll see you at LOC, A Step in the Dark and PunkyouGirl! ;) I love the image! I might have to pop over to the shop asap! Your background with the dies and drippy goo is just fabulous! a great card! Mo xxx

  2. See why I don't have kids? LOL they're EVIL!!!!!! I totally ADORE this new image and what you've done with it! the red eyes just give me chills and your post sets the stage for this brilliant piece. Love, Love, LOVE!!!! xxD

  3. Love your story to go w/ this. And your coloring. I like how you have laid this out too. I did notice the no blood on the boy! Clever of him to be the one in control. Great job!

    1. Thank you for entering in "Left of Center Creative Challenges."
      (LOC DT)

  4. You never disappoint with all your makes, Glo! Love reading the story you came up with for this image, as I pretty much got your story exactly from looking at your color job. How cool is that!? :D Happy birthday to you, too (one day early)!! Milk it all its worth into a moth-long celebration of all things creepy. LOL

    Mitzi xxx

  5. Stunnig Glo............Fab colouring and am loving the pop of red.

  6. Spooky card for sure. Thanks for joining us at Great Impressions!

  7. Love, Love, Love your gruesome twosome Glo!!.... this is totally awesome hun.
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  8. Wow wow wow how awesomely gruesome!! Jacqui DT Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

  9. Cute and creepy all at the same time! :) I love the spooky card! Thank you for sharing on Vandicrafts' Artistry Challenge
    Melissa - Vandicrafts

  10. oh wow, this is absolutely horrificly awesome! :)

  11. This is so absolutely wonderfully creepily beautiful.

    Great card!

  12. This freakin rocks! I love your twisted mind and fabulous colouring!

  13. EEK! This is definitely creepy! LOVE the pop of red with all the black, white, and gray! Thanks for joining us at Great Impressions! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  14. Fabulously creepy card! Love how you've done it all in b/w with the splatter of red. Thanks for sharing with us at LOC Challenges.

  15. That is totally stunning!!!! And yikes wouldn't want those 2 kids to come calling here :) Love it!

    Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge. Hope you will join us next time co-owner Crafting Vicky.

  16. Just me, popping back to say Thanks for sharing at Open Minded Crafting Fun this fortnight! Mo xx

  17. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! My favorite scary card so far this year!


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