Current Design Teams

Monday, September 15, 2014

Crimson Crime Scene at HDH

Today has turned quite bloody. I like that.

The current challenge over at Haunted Design House is
Crimson Crime Scene.

We are to choose a famous crime scene and draw inspiration
from it for our project. Challenges like this give me fits.
There are just too many options! I toil and fret over every
possibility, until it's almost too late to even participate.
Crazy, right?!

After much debate, 
(I even flipped a coin between Dahmer and Mason at one point)
I decided to go with my girl, Lizzy Borden, played nicely by
Karin, from Stampotique.

I began by locating an ax on Google, and then turned it into a png,
then flipped one, and crossed them like so. Then I fussy cut them
out to act as a nice backdrop for dear little Lizzy.

I used some red embossing powder to mimic the blood of her
Mother and  Father, but that wasn't sparkly enough, so I 
painted over the embossing powder with a red glitter acrylic
paint. There we are! Super sparkly splatter!!

Anyone catch the Lizzy Border Lifetime movie starring
Christina Ricci? I tried to like it. The ending was nice and wicked.
I liked that part. Usually when I hear the name 'Lizzy Borden' I think of this:


  1. I love your project Glo! Awesomeness!

  2. Love your project Glo! I had never heard of Lizzie but saw the Christina Ricci version recently and quite liked it - and like you said, loved the ending! Going to have to get my thinking cap on and have a go at this one! :) x

  3. Karin makes the perfect Lizzie! Love this, Glo! I finally got mine posted too and Happy Birthday, Chickie! xxD

  4. Hell ya lady! Great effect with the extra on the embossing. So adds that perfect touch. Karin has that knowing smile...Love this and so mad that I missed the date!


Feel free to comment or just vent.