Current Design Teams

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Gettin' Smudgy

Had a bit of a personal loss a week or so ago,
but I'm back and ready to get warmed up for the
best holiday ever, Halloween.
I even went so far as to sign up to be a Wicked Blogger
My first time ever participating! And I'm also doing the 
I am such a rebel. Or a glutton for punishment. 
Probably the latter of the two.

While cleaning up a super messy drawer, I found not one, but two
new packs of gate fold cards, complete with cool vellum envelopes.
It pays to tidy up occasionally. 
I colored up the eye scream cone from the 'Candy is Dandy' set
from Smeared Ink

In keeping with the Halloween theme, I colored
it in the 'red white and blue' of Halloween, orange, purple, and green.

 I used some Inkadinkado stamps for little accents.
I also hit those spiders with some 'orange peel' Stickles.
Added a couple of spider web die cuts from LaLaLand Crafts(?)
with a bit of 'firefly' Stickles for a nice neon pop.  

Thanks for stopping by.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:


  1. Love The colors and over all card! Eye candy ;-) hugs

  2. Fantastic card you made, lovely colors and great layout! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  3. Fabulous card Glo!!! I love the gatefold, love the image and your colouring! I love the BoBunny papers too - I saw these recently and bought another pack - there's only a few left from last years stack! lol
    Mo xxx

  4. Love the trad Halloween colors, Glo and fun design. Excited you're doing the 31 Days. I'll be hopping, not blogging...but some day... xxD

  5. What a fun card and lovely vibrant colours.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovey work with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  6. Fantastic creation, love the added details!

    Thank you for sharing with us at My Time To Craft this week, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  7. Awesome colours and design. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely creation with us at Through the Craft Room Door.
    Cathy DT Member

  8. Fun card and fabulous colours. Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations

  9. Very nice! The colors are fantastic! Thank you for sharing on this weeks Artistry Challenge\
    Melissa - Vandicrafts

  10. What a fun Halloween card! Love the colors, too. Thanks for joining us at My Time to Craft Challenge Blog. Hope to see you again!
    DT Member

  11. You have such a wonderful sense of placement and color. Love this bright and fun card. Makes me happy and ready for next month to begin. Wonderful find when you clean up!


Feel free to comment or just vent.