Current Design Teams

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can't contain the creepy

First off, the sun is actually shining today! It's been like 10 days straight of rain and gloom. I need my vitamin D, or I get all pastey and foul. I would not fair well in a place like Seattle or somewhere that doesn't get much sun. Those periods of complete dark in Alaska would kill me, but I guess you make up for it with the days of straight daylight. I'll stay in California, thank you very much.

Okay, when I saw this guy in the digital images section of Hambo stamps, I knew I had to have him and I knew exactly what Hambo sentiment I would pair with him.
I'm still a bit torn over using the Martha Stewart DP, but it's finished and it looks 'aight'.

I had a blast making him look like he had just been in surgery. I used the "booger sucker thingy" to give the illusion of blood spatter on his coat. I had to pop his hands and brain up on pop dots, because when I used the crystal effects to give it all a wet look, the
c-rap never turned clear! It stayed opaque. Boo.Hiss. I think that stuff is pretty old, so I threw it out so I'm not tempted to possibly ruin another project.

(inside sentiment)

This is one of my favorite sentiments from those kooky kids over at Hambo. 
I know just the post-op guy who deserves this card - and a laugh.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


When I first saw this Hambo digital image, it made me think of me and my husband
of almost 14 years. Something to do with the strangling part, I'm sure.
Too much fun to color and it really got me in the mood for Valentine's Day. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It has always been a dream of swine....

When I started this little blog last year, I didn't have any idea where it would take me.
I have made quite a few friends, picked up a few techniques, and now I am a Design Team member for Hambo Stamps!!!!!!!!

I am so flattered and excited to be a part of the Hambo litter (as in a litter of piggies).
I had to think really hard for about a second before I replied favorably to Monica and Tim's offer to be on their DT.
Okay, enough horn blowing. On to the card.
When I was kid I collected armadillos. I still have quite few stuffed, ceramic, and concrete (best doorstop ever!) armadillos in my home, some 25 years later. When I saw this little guy on the on the retiring page of the Hambo site, I knew I had better snatch him up, and the matching sentiment before they were all gone forever. If you like this image and sentiment you better get over to Hambo, pronto! Very limited quantities left on the retiring images.
It never hurts to have some belated birthday cards on hand when the situation arises, and it happens quite often around my house.

Well, thank you to Tim and Monica for giving me my FIRST DT gig!
I hope I can do them proud.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thanks Gabby!

I have Bugaboo on the brain lately. Here is another digital image from Bugaboo stamps, from their 'Skelekinz' line.
I first heard of these images from Gabby, over at her "Confessions of a Stamper"blog. Just upon reading the name of the line I was immediately intrigued and checked the site to find some of the cutest images ever! I have three of the 'Skelekinz' images and a couple Monkeys as you've already seen. Very cute and fun to color.
Just for fun, I broke out with the old 'booger sucker', SU airbrush thingy. I popped a Copic in it and started spraying! I really like the effect it gave to the card. I'll have to use it a bit more in the future. Finally getting organized might really improve my range of techniques, now that I can find stuff that I haven't ever used or haven't used in a loooong time.  

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Munkee Luv

Yes, it's another Bugaboo monkey! Too cute! I am a suckah for beady eyes. And animals in hats. Don't know why exactly, but they leave me giggling like a lunatic every time!

Anyhoo, on to my card. I have had that patterned paper for way too long, and have been dying to use it on something! I really forced it on this project, but it's the least heinous of my attempts, and I was tired of seeing it all lying around for the last week.
I colored the little fella with Copics and used some Doodlebug glitter on the hearts.
Look Ma, no Stickles!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Macabre Monday #21 "Eerie Elegance

It has been quite a while since I have played along with Barb at Haunted Design House's Macabre Monday Challenge. I totally missed playing, but my world has been rather chaotic as of late and this is the first chance I have had to get back in the craft room and create!

The challenge was eerie elegance. I'm all about the eerie, but the elegant part had me stumped. I finally decided to forego the stamped image altogether and just keep it tres simple, with the jeweled spider brad and some cool raggedy ribbon I just got from
Gorey Details, paired with my favorite violet ribbon.
Taa daa!

Monkey Business

Is this the cutest darn monkey ever?!
I love monkey images and have seen some really cute ones (I am really a big fan of Dustin Pike's monkeys), but this one is too bleepin' cute for words!
I got it as a free image at It seems that every Friday they release a new freebie image to try. I love free stuff, and free monkey stuff is really all a girl wants anyway right?
So much fun to color. The lines are nice and thick so it is easy to stay within the lines, which is hard for me sometimes. Coloring at 3AM can lead to sloppy coloring among other things.
I think this will be my husband's "ValentiMe's Day" card, unless I come up with something better before February 14th!

BTW, that typo for "ValentiMe's" was intentional. Don't want folks to think I'm spelling impaired. I do miss the spell check option for the blog posts though. I keep my dictionary handy just in case I get stuck on a four dollar word.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Lost Art of Handwritten Correspondence

I am a big fan of thank you cards and handwritten correspondence in general. It seems like less and less people take the time to hand write a personal note or even bother to send a thank you card to show their appreciation for something  or someone. I guess I am a bit biased since I tend to have cards for all occasions at my fingertips, but I did take the time and effort and thought to make these cards so they are at the ready as needed.
I am trying to pass on this lost "art" of sending thank you notes to my son who is 10 years old. Never too young to start in my opinion. He has been making cards and writing thank you notes since he could write his name (2 or 3 years old?) and I know that those little notes and cards really meant alot to the people he sent them to.
Let me step down from my high horse and say that this image from The Greeting Farm looks spot on like my son. No joke! I need to pose him like the stamp and take a picture for a side by side comparison. I figured that this image would be a fantastic focal point for all of his thank you cards for a while until he gets all tall and gangly, and looks nothing like the stamp or just refuses to indulge me in this antiquated way of corresponding.
Either way, I love the image and am quite happy with these cards. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hogs and Sketches January 2010 Challenge part deux

Here is my second submission for the Hambo Hogs and Sketches challenge this month.
I have to admit that I am quite "smitten" with Monica and Tim over at Hambo. I love the challenges and their images are so much fun to color and create with.
I used the snail image and the sentiment both from Hambo, which would seem to make it easier for me, right? No, this card and it's loose elements have been sitting on my work table for the past  two weeks. I just kept tweaking it and nothing came together right until last night.

Finally, we have something worth posting!

I just got a bunch of rubber in the mail from Monica today, so I am off to mount 'em, and ink 'em up!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Okay, I am finally back, and have renewed my vow to blog more regularly. For the past few months my husband and I have been trying to buy the house where we currently live. First we were told of the foreclosure, then we attempted to purchase the house as a short sale, then the house went to public auction where the bank bought it back from itself(?), and then, due to the hard work and diligence of an old friend from junior high, we signed the paper work on the house Friday and everything should record tomorrow!
What a wild and crazy ride that was! Not so much fun either. I can't say that I have enjoyed any of the process at all. Now I am looking forward to finally, completely moving in and unpacking all of my stuff that I haven't seen in three years!

With all of the excitement going on lately, I did manage to make a few cards for some special folks going through some tough times of their own.
My FIL had knee replacement surgery just before Christmas and I thought he might get a kick out of this image from Dustin Pike (who by the way, is coming out with a line of RUBBER stamps).

Dustin's images ROCK! They are so much fun to color.

My Aunt had some surgery to remove something ("It was the size of a softball", was all I heard before I blocked out the rest of the conversation), and I chose the same image from Dustin Pike, but I colored it in differently.
Aunt Laurie loved the card and was "tres impressed" with my skills.

I'm off to hang some more shelves in MY house so I can be more organized in MY craft room! When I am all finished with my craft room I will be sure to post some photos so you can see where the madness dwells.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hogs and Sketches January 2010 Challenge

I have been a fan of quotes for some time now. This Ward Cleaver gem happens to be one of my favorite. When I saw it in a SU catalog a while back I knew I had to have it. This quote and the one from Frankenstein ("Friend. Good.") is brilliant!

I really needed a quirky sentiment to go with these silly birds I received as a FREE digi from Hambo Stamps.
How did I get a free digital image from Hambo you ask?
Well, I just made a cute card using a Hambo image or sentiment, and followed their really helpful sketch (guest designed this month by my dear and uber-talented friend, MacKenzie). Then Tim and Monica pick 2 winners (NOT randomly I might add) who win either a digital image or some rubbah of their choosing!!
Well, here is my FIRST entry this month. Did I forget to mention that you can enter as often as you see fit for the entire month?!
I had a lot of fun making this card. I LOVE the silly birds and I think the sketch was easy enough for a beginner like me, and still has so many possibilities for someone with more layering and embellishment vision.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Finally, ... 2010!!!!

Finally, it's time to press restart and begin anew! 2009 was not a kind year for me and my family. We lost Grandpa in October, got word of our rental falling into foreclosure in August, starting losing my hair as a result of the stress of trying to buy the house (which is still in real estate limbo - more like purgatory), and the list goes on.
2010 has got to be a better year.
So, here is a new challenge to go along with the new year and I get to use my new stamp from Kraftin' Kimmie named "Drucilla". Isn't she to die for? I finally got to use my sentiment from Hambo stamps which goes perfectly with the image.

This is for the brand new challenge over at Fancy and Fussy Friday Challenge blog. I don't think I have ever participated in a challenge so quickly after it was posted before. I just happened to have made this card today and it fit into the theme of something "new".
Hope you like it. I do!