Current Design Teams

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It has always been a dream of swine....

When I started this little blog last year, I didn't have any idea where it would take me.
I have made quite a few friends, picked up a few techniques, and now I am a Design Team member for Hambo Stamps!!!!!!!!

I am so flattered and excited to be a part of the Hambo litter (as in a litter of piggies).
I had to think really hard for about a second before I replied favorably to Monica and Tim's offer to be on their DT.
Okay, enough horn blowing. On to the card.
When I was kid I collected armadillos. I still have quite few stuffed, ceramic, and concrete (best doorstop ever!) armadillos in my home, some 25 years later. When I saw this little guy on the on the retiring page of the Hambo site, I knew I had better snatch him up, and the matching sentiment before they were all gone forever. If you like this image and sentiment you better get over to Hambo, pronto! Very limited quantities left on the retiring images.
It never hurts to have some belated birthday cards on hand when the situation arises, and it happens quite often around my house.

Well, thank you to Tim and Monica for giving me my FIRST DT gig!
I hope I can do them proud.


  1. YAY!! We're so happy to have you on the team! :)

    Someone actually collects armadillos? (I mean besides the street cleaners?) Wow! Great card, and a reminder that I need to have some belated cards on hand myself -- I just missed an important birthday last week! Ugh.

  2. Congrats girlfriend and welcome to the team! You're the perfect addition to our twisted little group :-)

  3. Congratulations on your Hambo Gig, Gloria!! Monica and Tim are the best and I really think you're going to like it there.
    Loooove your Armadillo creations!

  4. Congrats on your DT position. Your card looks great.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on the DT gig!! And the card is so cute!

  6. Congratulations Gloria!!! You will be great!!! Love the Armadillo card - really clever.


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