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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monkey Business

Is this the cutest darn monkey ever?!
I love monkey images and have seen some really cute ones (I am really a big fan of Dustin Pike's monkeys), but this one is too bleepin' cute for words!
I got it as a free image at It seems that every Friday they release a new freebie image to try. I love free stuff, and free monkey stuff is really all a girl wants anyway right?
So much fun to color. The lines are nice and thick so it is easy to stay within the lines, which is hard for me sometimes. Coloring at 3AM can lead to sloppy coloring among other things.
I think this will be my husband's "ValentiMe's Day" card, unless I come up with something better before February 14th!

BTW, that typo for "ValentiMe's" was intentional. Don't want folks to think I'm spelling impaired. I do miss the spell check option for the blog posts though. I keep my dictionary handy just in case I get stuck on a four dollar word.


  1. Too freakin' cute! And I don't know what sloppy coloring you're talkin' about...

  2. I like how you colored the background behind the monkey after he was cut out. Great idea!


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