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Friday, January 15, 2010

The Lost Art of Handwritten Correspondence

I am a big fan of thank you cards and handwritten correspondence in general. It seems like less and less people take the time to hand write a personal note or even bother to send a thank you card to show their appreciation for something  or someone. I guess I am a bit biased since I tend to have cards for all occasions at my fingertips, but I did take the time and effort and thought to make these cards so they are at the ready as needed.
I am trying to pass on this lost "art" of sending thank you notes to my son who is 10 years old. Never too young to start in my opinion. He has been making cards and writing thank you notes since he could write his name (2 or 3 years old?) and I know that those little notes and cards really meant alot to the people he sent them to.
Let me step down from my high horse and say that this image from The Greeting Farm looks spot on like my son. No joke! I need to pose him like the stamp and take a picture for a side by side comparison. I figured that this image would be a fantastic focal point for all of his thank you cards for a while until he gets all tall and gangly, and looks nothing like the stamp or just refuses to indulge me in this antiquated way of corresponding.
Either way, I love the image and am quite happy with these cards. 


  1. I love that stamp. It reminds me of my son too. Your cards are AWESOME. TFS! Have a great weekend.

  2. Adorable. These are going to be great to have on hand. You really need to do the side by side comparison. The resemblence is uncanny.

  3. I could not agree with you more on the thank you notes. Love your card, it's adorable!!

  4. Hi Gloria! What a sweet card and thoughtful thing to teach your son!
    I just realized I didn't respond to you last e-mail about the medallion - I was going to try to take some pics to send you to show you how. Are you still having trouble with it? :-)Traci

  5. You took the words right out of my head. Before I got to the last paragraph I thought of how much that looked like Gryphon. Amazing.

  6. I love this card, and agree TOTALLY about the lost art-ESP when it comes to thank yous! I think it's wonderful of you to instill that in your boy and SO glad that Max resembles him-thats awesome!!!!


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