Current Design Teams

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Okay, I am finally back, and have renewed my vow to blog more regularly. For the past few months my husband and I have been trying to buy the house where we currently live. First we were told of the foreclosure, then we attempted to purchase the house as a short sale, then the house went to public auction where the bank bought it back from itself(?), and then, due to the hard work and diligence of an old friend from junior high, we signed the paper work on the house Friday and everything should record tomorrow!
What a wild and crazy ride that was! Not so much fun either. I can't say that I have enjoyed any of the process at all. Now I am looking forward to finally, completely moving in and unpacking all of my stuff that I haven't seen in three years!

With all of the excitement going on lately, I did manage to make a few cards for some special folks going through some tough times of their own.
My FIL had knee replacement surgery just before Christmas and I thought he might get a kick out of this image from Dustin Pike (who by the way, is coming out with a line of RUBBER stamps).

Dustin's images ROCK! They are so much fun to color.

My Aunt had some surgery to remove something ("It was the size of a softball", was all I heard before I blocked out the rest of the conversation), and I chose the same image from Dustin Pike, but I colored it in differently.
Aunt Laurie loved the card and was "tres impressed" with my skills.

I'm off to hang some more shelves in MY house so I can be more organized in MY craft room! When I am all finished with my craft room I will be sure to post some photos so you can see where the madness dwells.  


  1. Congrats on being a home owner. Buying a home is a nightmare. Luckily, you're done. You're cards are AWESOME! I love Dustin Pike too. I don't use my Dustin stamps enough.

  2. Hi Gloria! I'm so glad the whole house thing is almost done - Congratulations! THese are super cute cards, I love that Dragon! :-)Traci

  3. Congrats home owner!! You're officially a grown up now :-) Love your cards. You colored them great!

  4. Love, love, love your cards!!!! Congrats on your new home, hope you'll be very happy there.


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