Current Design Teams

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Munkee Luv

Yes, it's another Bugaboo monkey! Too cute! I am a suckah for beady eyes. And animals in hats. Don't know why exactly, but they leave me giggling like a lunatic every time!

Anyhoo, on to my card. I have had that patterned paper for way too long, and have been dying to use it on something! I really forced it on this project, but it's the least heinous of my attempts, and I was tired of seeing it all lying around for the last week.
I colored the little fella with Copics and used some Doodlebug glitter on the hearts.
Look Ma, no Stickles!


  1. Ooh - I love the "smitten" sentiment. Very cute card!

  2. An adorable card. I really like the way you made the monkey green and pink. Good job!


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