Current Design Teams

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can't contain the creepy

First off, the sun is actually shining today! It's been like 10 days straight of rain and gloom. I need my vitamin D, or I get all pastey and foul. I would not fair well in a place like Seattle or somewhere that doesn't get much sun. Those periods of complete dark in Alaska would kill me, but I guess you make up for it with the days of straight daylight. I'll stay in California, thank you very much.

Okay, when I saw this guy in the digital images section of Hambo stamps, I knew I had to have him and I knew exactly what Hambo sentiment I would pair with him.
I'm still a bit torn over using the Martha Stewart DP, but it's finished and it looks 'aight'.

I had a blast making him look like he had just been in surgery. I used the "booger sucker thingy" to give the illusion of blood spatter on his coat. I had to pop his hands and brain up on pop dots, because when I used the crystal effects to give it all a wet look, the
c-rap never turned clear! It stayed opaque. Boo.Hiss. I think that stuff is pretty old, so I threw it out so I'm not tempted to possibly ruin another project.

(inside sentiment)

This is one of my favorite sentiments from those kooky kids over at Hambo. 
I know just the post-op guy who deserves this card - and a laugh.


  1. I laughed loud out the moment I saw your card, Gloria. It is absolutely fantastic!!! The colouring, the blood spatters all over, the blue glow around the scientist, the sentiment - EVERYTHING!!! It's creepy alright and simply glorious!

  2. Brilliant and gross, all at the same time, so of course I LOVE it! LOL I can't believe that DP is from Martha Stewart. Really? Wow, jail must have changed her!

  3. LOL! Me likey a lot! Love the sentiment... I'm still giggling :)

  4. LMAO...I think he took my brain!!! He looks like he enjoyed the lobotomy too much he took his project home to play some! Love it!

  5. HaHa, that is so funny. I love it!

  6. Lovin the booger sucker blood spatter technique!

  7. Hilarious!! The green pants are very scary indeed.

  8. Your sick!(I mean that in a good way!)LOL! This is SO funny! I had to show my DH! :-)Traci

  9. OMGoodness ~ I love your blog. I found you thru Gabby's Confessions of a Stamper.

    Halloween is my *FAV* holiday and your blog gives me such inspiration. Your very talented!
    I'll be back for more.


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