Current Design Teams

Monday, November 29, 2010

HDH067 Paper Pandemonium

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is:
Paper Pandemonium

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween page, project or card using at least two different patterned papers. This has GOT to be an easy one, kids!

This week is sponsored by one of our very own resident Macabre Minions, Digital Demoness Susan from Crafty Chaos Designs!!!
Susan has a great assortment of original digital papers and images... AND she'll be handing out some of those bad boys for the winner(s) this week!

I chose to work with Susan's "Simply Steam punk" line of papers.
They are designed to be 6"X6" papers which makes them very easy
to print out and work with. There are also 6 beautifully unique designs in each set
and they are priced very inexpensively.

I wanted to use my latest favorite color, purple, so I used
some distress inks and some SU craft inks to add some purple to
my digital papers. Now they match a bit better and it was quick and
simple to get them that way. 

I got these cool frames on clearance at Mike's after Hallowe'en
and framed some of that cool digi paper.
I added some Wild Orchid fleurs to add some interest and
give the frame some dimension.   

What can I say about these Steam punk images from
that I haven't already said?
LOVE them!!! 

Had to add a compass brad to give some type of metal element
to the card. Oh, and some border sticker from Recollections.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let's play catch up!

I got a bit behind this week and now I am playing catch up.

First, I have my Macabre Monday challenge, which was to
use any Freddy Krueger "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie as inspiration. 
Then, over at Oh Alice!, we were to chop off the head of one image and
add it to the body of another. The whole, "Off with their heads!" thing.

So, I combined both challenges and here we go.

I have been giving my "Bat Boy" stamp from Stampotique alot
of inky lovin' lately, and decided to give him a festive holiday look this time.

I chopped his head off and removed his birthday party hat.
I added the santa hat from a SU "Crab and Co. set.

I then used Stampotique's "Santa Baby" image, but chopped his
heinous head off and added Bat Boy's head instead!
At the same time, there is no denying the similarities between
Santa Baby's hands and Freddy's hands, so the logical line has been
drawn and there you have the Freddy Krueger tie in.

I used some yummy papers from the "Everybody Loves Christmas"
Echo Park line currently for sale at Simply Betty Stamps.
Oh! I just had to come up with some type of silly sentiment.
Mission complete.

I'll be back tomorrow with my new Macabre Monday challenge card.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blue Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we can move on to
the "thrill and fun" which is Christmas. Or so I've been told.
Bah Humbugg!!
I am not a Christmas-y kinda gal (in case someone is new), and the holidaze after
Hallowe'en aren't on my most favorite list, but I do enjoy making
Christmas cards.
This card is for the Wild Orchid challenge for a Blue Christmas project.
I originally made this card with my BIL in mind, but when it was
finished I decided it was too pretty for a guy card and sent him
something else.  

Kenny K has a way with the ladies.
Just gorgeous to create with.
It was my son's idea to give her grey eyes.  I think it works with all the blue.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

SBS 12 Days of Christmas - Day Uno

Welcome everyone to the 12 Days of Christmas... with the Simply Betty Twist! These 12 days are going to be a bit different! For starters, one winner will be chosen on the next challenge, the prize will be given out right away! Woop woop!

Enter all challenges for a chance to win a Guest DT Spot for January 2011! That one person will be chosen by popular votes and as mentioned as long as all challenges have been entered by this person!

Well, what do you say we get this Christmas party started?! Using any Simply Betty Stamps Halloween image, create a Christmas card... anything goes, but it must be a SBS Halloween image! Not too hard eh? For today's prize one lucky winner will receive a choice of any 2 digi stamps!

You will have until Saturday November 27th at 11:00 PM PST to upload your card for voting consideration.

Here is what I came up with.

I LOVE "Tootsie" from Betty's Punky Teen Halloween line.
I didn't get a chance to use her for a Halloween project,
but had a blast creating this Xmas card with her!

I had envisioned her holding something between her outstretched hands
the very first time I saw her, but never came up with a suitable idea as to what she
would be holding. When I saw this challenge I knew immediately that she
should be holding a string of lights. Luckily, I had a bulb stamp that I don't think I have
ever used before, that I stamped, colored and cut out. Then I drew a line for the
cord and voila! Instant Christmas image!

LOVE the Tootsie!

Join in on the fun over at Simply Betty Challenges, and get creative
with the 12 Days of Christmas challenges.
There is tons of inspiration and great prizes to be won!!!  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sweet Gothic Kids World release!!

Today is the day we have been waiting for!!
Simply Betty Stamps is releasing a new line of images called,
"The  Sweet Gothic Kids World".
Such fun, birthday oriented images!!

I chose to use Judy for today's card.
Isn't she just the cutest?!
All of these new images are cute in a creepy kinda way
with their skulls and bats and such.
Totally doable for this creepy chick! 

Tons of versatility for this line, not just limited to birthdays.
I almost made this a "Way to Go!" card, but I have a grip of
birthdays to make cards for this month.

Drop by Simply Betty Stamps and pick up some of
these killer new images, plus Betty is having an
awesome Black Friday sale going on right now with tons
of great deals on all of her products!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Karloff

I was fortunate enough to have won a giveaway recently,
where the awesome complete set of the "Thriller" television show,
(Boris Karloff's horror anthology), was the prize! 
I did not realize what a 'gift' this prize truly was until I sat to watch
the entire first season. These episodes are an hour each, and they are awesome!
Don't tell Rod (Serling) but, I have a new favorite "old" TV show! 

         Happy Birthday, and thank you for the thrills!

And thank you to John, over at Zombo's Closet of Horror, for the awesome gift!          

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 40: "Hooka Are You?"

"Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

~Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,Chapter 5

I never did care for that snooty ol' caterpillar. You'd think he'd be a bit more
social and conversational with all the hooka smokin' going on.
Anyhoo, this week's challenge at Oh Alice! is to incorporate 
a caterpillar or a butterfly into your project.
We were fortunate enough to get to use this awesome image from
our sponsor, Maigan Lynn Beaudoin Shaw. She was also generous enough to
offer up three 4X6 prints of her artwork to the winner of this week's

Since this was a very detailed image I decided to try my hand at
the spotlight technique, and focus on one portion of the image.
I have seen this technique used before and thought this would be a good time 
to try it out for myself.  

I kinda like this look, although I am not completely sold on the entire card.
Maybe it's the codeine cough syrup talking, but I may try this technique again
at a later date. Maybe. 

Remember, you have all week to play this challenge! Link your project to the
Oh Alice! Challenge blog and HAVE FUN! You have until Friday Nov. 26th at 11:59 CST to get inky and enter to win! Happy creating!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 39 "Nothin' but Tea and Time

"Alice felt dreadfully puzzled. The Hatter's remark seemed to have no sort of meaning in it, and yet it was certainly English. `I don't quite understand you,' she said, as politely as she could.

`The Dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.

The Dormouse shook its head impatiently, and said, without opening its eyes, `Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.'

`Have you guessed the riddle yet?' the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.

`No, I give it up,' Alice replied: `what's the answer?'

`I haven't the slightest idea,' said the Hatter.

`Nor I,' said the March Hare.

Alice sighed wearily. `I think you might do something better with the time,' she said, `than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.'

`If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, `you wouldn't talk about wasting IT. It's HIM.'

`I don't know what you mean,' said Alice.
`Of course you don't!' the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. `I dare say you never even spoke to Time!'"

This week's challenge at Oh Alice! is an inspiration piece.
It's a gorgeous bauble from the awesome, Tarina Tarantino.
I have a couple "Pink Head" Hello Kitty pieces of hers and now apparently 
she is working in Wonderland!
A bit large and chunky for my taste, but cool none the less.

Here is what I was inspired to create from the piece.
I LOVE the colors used on Tarina's bracelet and am so pleased
with how they really make one another pop!

I am currently in LOVE with the new line of Steampunk images
This is Emma. She colored up like a dream! I need the practice of coloring
fabric and these images are great for just that! I think I may be finally getting the
hang of these Copics.

Since time was also a part of the theme, I found this image of
pocket watches and antiqued it a bit with distress inks and then I
clear embossed it and cracked it up for a broken glass effect.

Please drop by the Oh Alice! challenge blog to see
what fabulousness the ladies have cooked up this week! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

HDH065 Ravenous Ravens and Voltaire--"Zombie Prostitute"

Since I can't figure out how to move this thing, I guess my video treat for today is up first.
This is my new boyfriend (in my head), Voltaire, performing "Zombie Prostitute". Enjoy.

Next up is my card for this week's Macabre Monday challenge at Haunted Design House.
Ravenous Ravens is the challenge and I was only able to manage this
slightly subdued submission as I am only operating at half speed.
I like it though.
I used a "Inkadinkadoo" stamp that I got from MacKenzie (thanks!),
trimmed it out with a Spellbinder and gave it a bit of an inking
with sunset colors. I mounted it on some Ravenhead Manor paper from Recollections
 and I added a cool MS border sticker on the bottom, and voila! 

I also colored around the outer edge of the black Spellbinder
with a Spica glitter pen.

I'll be back a tomorrow with my Oh Alice! make up card. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

HDH064 Butchered Blueprint

This week at Haunted Design House we have a sponsor
for our Macabre Monday challenge.

Nikki, from Limited Runs Stamps has generously offered up 
three digital images to this week's winner!
She has some really awesome stuff, so keep looking at the older posts to 
see some of her more HDH friendly images. 

This week for our challenge we offer you a sketch.
Not just any sketch, but a
"Butchered Blueprint"
by none other than our very own Masterful Mistress of the Macabre, Barb
Is this not the coolest sketch you have ever seen?!

I was so inspired by Nikki's images and Barb's sketch that I made two cards!

First up is the awesomely gruesome "Eyeball cupcake".

I colored it up with Copics, cut it out and then add Glossy Accents to each
eyeball separately to give them each their own shape and then I added a Sakura Glaze
pen to the ooze for a different shiny effect. 
Me likey this one alot. Still needs something to break up that ribbon though.
I'd like you to meet "Sally Stitches".
What a sweet girl. Never says much though. 

Yellow and purple is one of my very favorite color combos.
Never use it very often, but I really like the two together. 
I used a Sizzix die for the swirls and then embossed them with Stardust powder.
I used a ruffle technique for the ribbon using sheer ribbon. Not a good way to 
hide my tape underneath though was it? Note to self: Use a solid ribbon next time.
I do like the effect, which is a bit of a reach for me. I guess I can be a little less than
adventurous in my card making sometimes.

So get started on something macabre inspired by this awesome sketch and 
enter to win some new digis from this week's sponsor at


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kenny K's "Name that Kitten" contest

Kenny K will be releasing a new line of girls called,
"Krash Kittenz"
 and needs some names for these lovely ladies.

I love a good word/name challenge so here goes.
A. Cami
B. Trixie
C. Daytona
E. Camber
F. Pandora
G. Starr
H. Piper
I. Lita
J. Jess
K. Dakota
L. Misty

So much fun to name these sassy lasses!
Hope Kenny likes some of my submissions!  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oh Alice! Chapter 38 Tickets, please?

`Tickets, please!' said the Guard, putting his head in at the window. In a moment everybody was holding out a ticket: they were about the same size as the people, and quite seemed to fill the carriage.

`Now then! Show your ticket, child!' the Guard went on, looking angrily at Alice. And a great many voices all said together (`like the chorus of a song,' thought Alice), `Don't keep him waiting, child! Why, his time is worth a thousand pounds a minute!'

`I'm afraid I haven't got one,' Alice said in a frightened tone: `there wasn't a ticket-office where I came from." And again the chorus of voices went on. `There wasn't room for one where she came from. The land there is worth a thousand pounds an inch!'

-- Chapter 3, Through the Looking Glass

So, do you have your ticket?
Great! Let's get going!!

Here is my card for the tickets challenge this week at Oh Alice! .

I used a brand new image from the brand new Steampunk line
This is, "Annie".
Talk about a long drink of water! This gal has legs that never stop!!
Very sexy and a good image for the fella's cards too!  

I used an old world map that I distressed and a Steampunk tag from Graphic45.
I finally ran across these stick pins (thought I had lost them)
and added one to a gear brad and a fleur.
I really love these new images from SBS. I can't wait to create with
all six images!

Have a creepy weekend!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Simply Betty Stamps Christmas Emos release hop

If have arrived from the visual awesomeness that is
Eulanda, then you are on the right track.
Today is the day! As of today you can purchase these
awesome new Emos from Simply Betty Stamps and get
started on some cool new Christmas cards.

I chose to work with the Merry Betty image and incorporate
the new sketch challenge at SBS challenges.

Isn't she lovely?
I really like how her eyes came out. I would totally wear contacts that color. 

I followed the sketch provided on the SBS challenge blog
and I must admit, I really like sketches. Takes all the guess work
out of the process which just slows me down!
I have had cards sitting unassembled for weeks just because I can't get
all of the elements to come together.
I colored her with Copics and added flocking to all of her fuzzy parts (tee hee).
Added on some snowflake embellishments and done!

Now your next stop on this sleigh ride is Jennifer.  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

SBS Xmas Emos Preview Day 2

Here we go again, with a little tease of the new images
being released from Simply Betty Stamps this Friday.

This is Lola.
She comes with the presents (I left one off) and the cool holly bat.

I think what I like the most about this line is how fun they are to color.
I like giving them all funky hair color and crazy eye colors. Lots of fun!!!

Tomorrow is the actual release of these new images and our 
release hop will begin then as well.
Drop by Betty's blog for more info. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Attitude? Me? Does it really show?

***Second post for today***
***Please scroll down for the Xmas Emo preview for SBS***

Lisa over at ldfdesign awarded me this Attitude blog award.
How sweet and cool of her to even think of me in her top 5.

Now as a result, I have to list 3 things that make me different (only 3 huh?),
and then I get to nominate 5 blogs of boastful attitude.

Here goes,
1. I tend to think outside of my box, and when I do, I have to clean it up.
2. I believe that conformity is the death of the soul. How about you?
3. I collect everything! Lunchboxes (old, metal vintage ones), tattoos, SHAG art,   
framed bug specimens, vintage Hallowe'en decorations, $2 bills, Toxic Toon merch,
Hello Kitty/Kuromi/My Melody (Sanrio has alot of my husband's money),
The Muppets merch, Nightmare B4 Xmas merch, Sid and Marty Krofft merch, cool and unusual weirdness, just to name a few.

Now for my pick of 5 blogs chock full of attitude!!
1. Haunted Design House -  Barb is my Master, and I must obey.....
2. Cards Cards and more Cards - Eulanda is amazing with just a touch of the 'tude
3.Katt Korpsgryndr - I don't have anything on this chick in the attitude department
4. Smudgetastic - Andrea is an awesome artist with many talents
5. The Octopode Factory  - Lily has the most unique and creepy digi images available

It was very hard to only choose 5 blogs to award this honor.
Practically everyone I know has attitude!!! 

Thanks again to Lisa, for recognizing pure attitude when she sees it!! 

Simply Betty Xmas Emos preview - Day 1

Well Simply Betty has yet another release for the uber fun
Emo kids images.
Wait for it, ... wait for it, ...
Christmas Emos!!

All of your favorite Emo kids are back with a Christmas twist!
They are all going to be released on Friday the 5th,
but just to tease you a bit, the DT is giving you sneak peeks until then!

Here is Miller. I just love Miller. Always kinda kooky.
Not really sure if he is in shock from being dressed that way
or maybe his tights are too tight.
I made my own light box so I can take pictures at night.
I guess it works okay. Natural light is always better though.

I had alot of fun coloring Miller in his non-traditional 
Christmas colors. I still haven't unpacked my Xmas papers and schtuff, so I have to 
make do with what I have on hand.
I did think of a good sentiment, but wondered if it was only funny in my head.
"Snowballs", was my thought.
I still think it's funny and may add it later.

Check out the Simply Betty blog and see what the other ladies have up for
preview today and tomorrow, with the release hop to follow on Friday.    

Monday, November 1, 2010

HDH063 Freaker's Free For All!

Man, what a weekend!
I can honestly say I am glad to be done with October!
I've got so much planned for next year already!

Fortunately, the Macabre Monday challenge at Haunted Design House 
is a "Freaker's Free for all! Anything goes!!
Now I can pawn off some Hallowe'en leftovers.
I got this image last year and never used it!
He is adorable and from Paper Makeup stamps.

He looks a little spooked.
Maybe he's an arachnophobe!

I used some killer digi paper from fellow minion, Susan.
She has a site where she sells awesome digi paper sets called
Please drop by and see what she has to offer.

Thanks for coming by today.
I'm off to peruse the Hallowe'en clearance sale at Mike's!