Current Design Teams

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blue Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we can move on to
the "thrill and fun" which is Christmas. Or so I've been told.
Bah Humbugg!!
I am not a Christmas-y kinda gal (in case someone is new), and the holidaze after
Hallowe'en aren't on my most favorite list, but I do enjoy making
Christmas cards.
This card is for the Wild Orchid challenge for a Blue Christmas project.
I originally made this card with my BIL in mind, but when it was
finished I decided it was too pretty for a guy card and sent him
something else.  

Kenny K has a way with the ladies.
Just gorgeous to create with.
It was my son's idea to give her grey eyes.  I think it works with all the blue.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. 


  1. this is just divine, your colouring is supreme and your son has hit the nail on the head those grey eyes look gorgeous, btw have you been watching the walking dead? x

  2. Oooh...she's a hottie! LOL! Love the colors you've chosen here. Beautifully done.

  3. Sexy and sassy - lovin' your style!

    Mary J x

  4. HeeHee! Cheeky girl! Your BIL would have love this...too bad! LOL Fabulous! xxD

  5. I love making Christmas cards too and this is one of my favourite KK images and you have coloured her beautifully....thanks for entering my Bunny Zoe's draw and good luck with it
    Mina xxx

  6. Ok...I'm taking this image to a plastic surgeon and I want to look just like her!!!! LOL! For reals tho... : )
    XOXO Cursteen


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