Current Design Teams

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let's play catch up!

I got a bit behind this week and now I am playing catch up.

First, I have my Macabre Monday challenge, which was to
use any Freddy Krueger "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie as inspiration. 
Then, over at Oh Alice!, we were to chop off the head of one image and
add it to the body of another. The whole, "Off with their heads!" thing.

So, I combined both challenges and here we go.

I have been giving my "Bat Boy" stamp from Stampotique alot
of inky lovin' lately, and decided to give him a festive holiday look this time.

I chopped his head off and removed his birthday party hat.
I added the santa hat from a SU "Crab and Co. set.

I then used Stampotique's "Santa Baby" image, but chopped his
heinous head off and added Bat Boy's head instead!
At the same time, there is no denying the similarities between
Santa Baby's hands and Freddy's hands, so the logical line has been
drawn and there you have the Freddy Krueger tie in.

I used some yummy papers from the "Everybody Loves Christmas"
Echo Park line currently for sale at Simply Betty Stamps.
Oh! I just had to come up with some type of silly sentiment.
Mission complete.

I'll be back tomorrow with my new Macabre Monday challenge card.



  1. this is great! I love bat boy! and you peiced him together so well! great work!

  2. Awesome Creepy. I do amazing work. Love it!

  3. Hi Gloria, Just been sitting here in awe of all the projects here ..... absolutely gorgeous - all of them

  4. Fabulous! Love it and the sentiment is perfecto!


  5. This is awesome Gloria. Don't feel bad I am way behind too. I need 4 more days off jsut to catch up. I love the way you combined this 2 images!!

  6. OMG, Glo! this is just FABULOUS!!! I have no words! xxD

  7. fantastic work combining the images looks amazing and fits both challenges perfectly x

  8. LOVE it that you used Stampotique for the whole chopping and reassembling body parts thing, what a great fit!!!! Love your Santa Claws Nightmare on Elm Street, just what anyone needs in their mailbox this holiday season, LOL! Stay unique!

  9. This is so awesome! I really love this nightmare! Great job!

  10. I love love love this girlie....this is perfect for the challenges....thanks for joining us this week at StampIt Crazy....



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