Current Design Teams

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 40: "Hooka Are You?"

"Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

~Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,Chapter 5

I never did care for that snooty ol' caterpillar. You'd think he'd be a bit more
social and conversational with all the hooka smokin' going on.
Anyhoo, this week's challenge at Oh Alice! is to incorporate 
a caterpillar or a butterfly into your project.
We were fortunate enough to get to use this awesome image from
our sponsor, Maigan Lynn Beaudoin Shaw. She was also generous enough to
offer up three 4X6 prints of her artwork to the winner of this week's

Since this was a very detailed image I decided to try my hand at
the spotlight technique, and focus on one portion of the image.
I have seen this technique used before and thought this would be a good time 
to try it out for myself.  

I kinda like this look, although I am not completely sold on the entire card.
Maybe it's the codeine cough syrup talking, but I may try this technique again
at a later date. Maybe. 

Remember, you have all week to play this challenge! Link your project to the
Oh Alice! Challenge blog and HAVE FUN! You have until Friday Nov. 26th at 11:59 CST to get inky and enter to win! Happy creating!!


  1. Cool technique, Glo! Fabulous image! Hope you feel better soon and that codeine does the trick! Take care! xxD

  2. TeeHee....codeine cough syrup! I love your spotlight card! The coloring is amazing!

  3. Now that is awesome! I love the bright colors and you did a great job on the spotlight technique! Go girl!


  4. I love this! I think this is perfect for this image. You are right it does put a spotlight on part of the image. I think it gives it more a more intense look. Love it! Super great job!

  5. BRILLIANT idea w/ this-WOW! It really makes the part in the spotlght stand out and for an image this detailed what a FAB idea- I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

  6. Love the spotlight technique, works fabulously with this image and I really like highlighting one are, perfect. Tracy Evans x x

  7. Im sorry to hear youre not feeling well. The card is brilliant that spotlight technique rocks, very pretty colours you have used (that might be the codeine hehe only joking!) anyway brilliant work as always x

  8. Wow this is gorgeous! Love the spotlight colouring and the fabs sentiment
    love tasha xx


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