Current Design Teams

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oh Alice! Chapter 38 Tickets, please?

`Tickets, please!' said the Guard, putting his head in at the window. In a moment everybody was holding out a ticket: they were about the same size as the people, and quite seemed to fill the carriage.

`Now then! Show your ticket, child!' the Guard went on, looking angrily at Alice. And a great many voices all said together (`like the chorus of a song,' thought Alice), `Don't keep him waiting, child! Why, his time is worth a thousand pounds a minute!'

`I'm afraid I haven't got one,' Alice said in a frightened tone: `there wasn't a ticket-office where I came from." And again the chorus of voices went on. `There wasn't room for one where she came from. The land there is worth a thousand pounds an inch!'

-- Chapter 3, Through the Looking Glass

So, do you have your ticket?
Great! Let's get going!!

Here is my card for the tickets challenge this week at Oh Alice! .

I used a brand new image from the brand new Steampunk line
This is, "Annie".
Talk about a long drink of water! This gal has legs that never stop!!
Very sexy and a good image for the fella's cards too!  

I used an old world map that I distressed and a Steampunk tag from Graphic45.
I finally ran across these stick pins (thought I had lost them)
and added one to a gear brad and a fleur.
I really love these new images from SBS. I can't wait to create with
all six images!

Have a creepy weekend!


  1. WOW Glo - this is FABULOUS!!!!!! I'm LOVING these steampunks!

  2. i love this! the coloring and all the elements that you used! perfection!

  3. OMG!!!!I saw these and they are TO DIE FOR!!!! What a fab card, Glo! I adore it! xxD

  4. WOW! Beautiful new steampunk stamp and your coloring rocks it out of the parK! Awesome use of the ticket, too! You did a fab job on this challenge, Glo!

  5. Gorgeous creation! The stick pin is the perfect touch!

  6. Ohhh! I have to go check these stamps out! You rocked this card! So, so Awesome!!!!

  7. Okay are in my my head/mind??? Or maybe it's just that great minds think alike!! I colored this image yesterday morning and guess what you used the same colors!! I'll post it as soon as I make her into a card!! I was having so much fun coloring them that I could quiet!! Only 2 more images to go!!
    I love all the elements you added to them!! So of course I love it!!!hehe!!

  8. WOW you never cease to amaze me!!! Love the grundginess!

  9. OMGosh, I am speechless. This is utterly amazing. Beautiful card.

  10. Great image for the fellas LOL. Lovely colouring and addition of the ticket. Tracy Evans x

  11. Wow, your card is amazing! I love the colors and tickets! Awesome job :)
    hugs, margie

  12. Ohh I love the rustic look this card has to it. A great image and it is colored perfectly!

  13. I totally LOVE this card. What a great take on the challenge and you are the only person who thought to include maps, so extra credit points for you! I am in love with these new steampunk characters, they are all so FAB and you have colored yours beautifully! Love the pin, bling, gears, everything is just wonderful!!!!

  14. ohhhh mmmmmmy.....this is simply just yummy...all of it!!! You rocked this challenge...and that is one darling image from Miss Betty....way to use her....awesome...hugs!!!

  15. WOW you really have the steampunk down. You are amazing at these cards. I love Steampunk i so rocks x


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