Current Design Teams

Monday, November 8, 2010

HDH064 Butchered Blueprint

This week at Haunted Design House we have a sponsor
for our Macabre Monday challenge.

Nikki, from Limited Runs Stamps has generously offered up 
three digital images to this week's winner!
She has some really awesome stuff, so keep looking at the older posts to 
see some of her more HDH friendly images. 

This week for our challenge we offer you a sketch.
Not just any sketch, but a
"Butchered Blueprint"
by none other than our very own Masterful Mistress of the Macabre, Barb
Is this not the coolest sketch you have ever seen?!

I was so inspired by Nikki's images and Barb's sketch that I made two cards!

First up is the awesomely gruesome "Eyeball cupcake".

I colored it up with Copics, cut it out and then add Glossy Accents to each
eyeball separately to give them each their own shape and then I added a Sakura Glaze
pen to the ooze for a different shiny effect. 
Me likey this one alot. Still needs something to break up that ribbon though.
I'd like you to meet "Sally Stitches".
What a sweet girl. Never says much though. 

Yellow and purple is one of my very favorite color combos.
Never use it very often, but I really like the two together. 
I used a Sizzix die for the swirls and then embossed them with Stardust powder.
I used a ruffle technique for the ribbon using sheer ribbon. Not a good way to 
hide my tape underneath though was it? Note to self: Use a solid ribbon next time.
I do like the effect, which is a bit of a reach for me. I guess I can be a little less than
adventurous in my card making sometimes.

So get started on something macabre inspired by this awesome sketch and 
enter to win some new digis from this week's sponsor at



  1. they are both amazing but that first one is my super favourite it is so classy cool full of drippy goo slimy wonderful, can you tell I'm impressed! x

  2. Wow hon! TWO fabby cards! You out did yourself this week. Love them both. Great colors and I actually think the sheer ribbon looks great. It doesn't look like tape to me, just a stripe in the middle. xxD

  3. Wow these are amazing all the detail into the eyeball cupcake I love them both the tape adds an extra bit to the ribbon :)
    hugs Nikki

  4. You are the queen of sparkle! Love all of the glitz, texture and colors on these. Yellow and purple....I'll have to give it a try.

    Love ya!

  5. these cards are fricken AWEOSME!!!! I so wanted to do this challenge but ran out of time...I'm trying for next week's though....I love your creative girl...I LOVE IT!!!! Hugs..


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