Current Design Teams

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Macabre Monday "Witchie Woman"

Here is my submission for Barb's latest challenge over at Haunted Design House.

The theme was "Witchie Woman", and immediately Stevie Nicks popped into my head. I've been a fan since the early eighties and have always heard rumor of the beloved Stevie being a witch and that she made a deal with the devil for her fame as her voice has been a bit suspect by some.
No matter to me, Stevie has always had a bit of a witchy mystique that I have admired and even wanted to emulate in my younger years.
This little page might be a nice addition to my "Scrapbook of Me", that I plan to make some day.

  I wanted to add this little song snippet from the Eagles song cause I thought it was fitting ('cept for the raven hair part).

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ho, Ho, Uh Oh!

When I first set eyes on this image by Daniel Torrente from Stampotique I knew it was meant to be my Christmas card this year.
I had a blast making the dirtiest and grungiest card I could muster. I giggled like a lunatic as I added the little drops of "blood" and added the same gore to the ribbon.
The only thing lacking was the perfect sentiment.
Found it!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Macabre Monday #15 Sinister Smirks

Here is my entry for this week's Macabre Monday Challenge over at Barb's Haunted Design House blog.

My, what a pretty smile you have! Okay, maybe pretty is pushing it, but a large, sinister smile at the very least.

This is a Daniel Torrente image from Stampotique.
Isn't he just the creepiest?! I LOVE him!
Daniel Torrente (and his wife too!) has really come up with a line of stamps with the creepy crafter in mind. It's about time!

Heathen's Greetings everyone!

Hambo Hogs and Sketches challenge #3

Here I am coming in right under the wire for this month's Hambo sketch challenge.
Better late than never right?

I used the free digital image that Hambo so generously provided to participate in their challenge. They also have a free piggy image too!

I colored this guy in a while back, probably in the summer time.
Now is a great time to bring a little warmth and sunshine into my workspace since Christmas has officially taken over.

I have had this drink cube stamp for ages (years!!) and it has finally seen ink! Yeah! I think I need to throw more luaus or something so I can get more use out of this stamp.

So, are you gonna play along or what?
The new sketch comes out on the first of the month and you have all month to play!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fairies, fairies everywhere!

More fairies.
 I just can't get enough of these fabulous images!

This is my first Christmas card of the season.
I think I will try to make each fairy into a Christmas card.

 I really don't think it's possible to make these gals look bad.

This is probably the one I am most fond of at the moment.
I really like how her wings turned out.
I finally got a chance to use the MS butterfly punch that I picked up on clearance at Wally-World. I embellished the c-rap outta this little dude and it looks much better from FAR away.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of these images in rubber!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fairy Inspired

Wow! That is all I could say when I first set eyes on this new set of digis from The Greeting Farm. I first saw them on Wicked Pixie's blog and frankly anything that girl colors is awesome, so I wasn't sure if I could do them the same justice. Well, I am so impressed with myself.
At first glance, this was my favorite fairy, but now that I have colored and created with each one, I find it very hard to choose a favorite.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Hog Heaven

I was playing along with the Hambo Stamps "Hogs and Sketches" challenge last month and my card was chosen as a winner!!! Yea me!
Monica over at Hambo let me choose 4 stamps and this is what I received:

Killer schwag huh?
This is what I did with a couple of them.

I really like the image which is perfect for my little beach bum.
The sentiment is what sold me on the whole deal though.

I am entering this card in the November sketch challenge over at Hogs and Sketches.
You should play along. Really, I mean it.
You've got the entire month to submit your entry!
C'mon, all the cool kids are doin' it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Macabre Monday #13 Bizarre Beauty School Drop Out

Well, after scouring all of my stamps only to find that I really didn't have anything original to use for this challenge, I decided to draw my own creepy chick.

I am quite pleased with myself. I like the way the drool and her blind eye turned out after about 5 layers of glaze pen and paper glaze (which btw, does not dry very shiny on standard 24# art paper). I was afraid I was going to have to scrap the entire project from the very beginning. I used a Sharpie to ink my outline and didn't realize that Copics will make it bleed until I had already colored her neck and watched in horror as the ink started to blur.
Watercolor pencils to the rescue! I bought this set from SU a few months ago and this is the first time I have used them. They worked really well, although I did go through Copic withdrawl.

Since I am always late at entering Barb's challenges, I have a few cards that didn't make the deadline last week, and I wanna share them anyway.

Okay, I think that's it for now.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CalTrans: A Real Nightmare

I used to work for CalTrans, here in California. It is the department of transportation and I was a heavy equipment mechanic apprentice and then I worked the highways in So Cal as a landraper (landscaper).
Once I ended my working relationship with the "good 'ol boy" program, I used my old CalTrans shirt as a Halloween costume. It always scared the crap outta me anyway. I still get a nervous twitch when I see the color "Omaha Orange".
This year, while perusing the local ASPCA thrift store, my son zeroed in on a CalTrans shirt. I did not deliberately influence him on this at all.

Here is my costume from like 12 years ago.

I have actaully worn this costume a few times. I have gotten some "mileage" out of it. Hee hee.
Maybe next year, the boy and I will go as twins.

Friday, October 30, 2009

This week's challenge over at Barb's Haunted Design House is "Lurid Love". I think this image pretty much sums up the challenge.

This is one of my most favorite stamps! I just love the whole "pulp" feel to it. And it also has a very 50's/60's horror feel to it that just makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
When I found this sentiment, I just knew it was a perfect match for this image.

Still farting around with the Etsy site and getting ready for my broom ride tomorrow night! Hopefully once this holiday dies down I can get focused on the next holiday and all it's "merriment".
Not enough hours in the day....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Creepy Goes International

Man, where does the time go? Seems like it was only last week that I was fat, dumb, and happy just to be making some cute Halloween cards. Now I am fully emersed in the world of Etsy, and making polymer clay crap like my life depends on it! I started my Etsy site on the 5th of October, and since then I have been busy creating and selling my art. I never thought I would actually sell anything, but my friend, (and one of my biggest fans) Dani, talked me into listing a few of my sculptures to see if anyone would buy them. Now I have made 8 sales and even went international with an order from Greece! I am so stoked to have sold one item, let alone multiple items to various people! I figured all the orders would generate from one e-mail and that my husband would be hiding all my stuff that he ordered.
Please take a moment to peruse my goods at my Etsy store.

Hambo Hogs and Sketches challenge #2

My dear friend, MacKenzie suggested I try my hand at this new sketch challenge blog over at Hambo. I am fairly new to sketch challenges and this one seems like a nice and easy way to ease into the concept.
Here is my submission for the Hambo Hogs and Sketches #2 Challenge.
I do find that having the layout already decided for you is nice. That way I can dork off trying to find embellishments and papers instead of stalling at the starting line.
Good fun! I'll be back next month!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Creepee" comes to Etsy - very soon!

"Creepeeville" comes to my mantle!

I have been having so much fun creating these little guys that I really don't know if I wanna part with any of them.
I am still trying to get my Etsy site up and running, but figuring out shipping really has me stumped! I am almost finished (hopefully this evening) and will be selling"Creepeeville" sculptures at a very reasonable price.
This one was my son's idea, and it is one of my favorites! I need to make more so I can keep this one.

I thought that earrings might be a good seller. These ghosts glow in the dark, as do some skull earrings and pendants I made (not pictured yet).

And finally, the candy corn crew!

HDH Macabre Monday #8

Here is my submission for this week's challenge over at Haunted Design House. Barb has been busy making the most devilishly delectable goodies, and decided to pass the challenge along to the rest of us. These "Pixie Stix" holders were fashioned from manilla folders! Yup! My friend MacKenzie pulled this one outta her bag of tricks and it couldn't have been easier to make!

 The next card has a goodie cup from Stampin' Up on the front which is so cute! When I first saw these used on other folks' projects, I couldn't understand what the concept was, but once I saw the cup sideways it all made perfect sense!

So cute! I ordered more cups so I could mass produce this for my son's class. I think I'll make more Pixie Stix holders too! Then again, I'm still trying to get my etsy store going. We'll see what I can manage to do with the time I have left before Halloween.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome to Creepeeville

I have not touched a stamp or a stamped image in almost a week. I finally decided to break out with the polymer clay this week, and haven't looked back since. I have been having so much fun creating these little Halloween folks with the intention of giving them to my mom-in-law to sell at a craft show on Halloween. Then I find out that the craft fair is at a Pentacostle church and my husband informed me that Pentacostle folk don't recognize Halloween as a holiday and therefore don't celebrate it at all. Well, pee all over my parade why dontcha?! So, now I am turning to Etsy in the hopes of finding new homes for my little fiends.

I am in the process of assembling earrings with the candy corns and the batts on them. Some have their tongues hanging out like the ghosts.

All of the ghosts and the moons and the candy corns glow in the dark. Some of the bases glow as well. I am a huge fan of glow in the dark and black light responsive items.
Please feel free to leave me your comments or contact me if you are interested in starting your very own "Creepeeville".

Happy Haunting!