Current Design Teams

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Hog Heaven

I was playing along with the Hambo Stamps "Hogs and Sketches" challenge last month and my card was chosen as a winner!!! Yea me!
Monica over at Hambo let me choose 4 stamps and this is what I received:

Killer schwag huh?
This is what I did with a couple of them.

I really like the image which is perfect for my little beach bum.
The sentiment is what sold me on the whole deal though.

I am entering this card in the November sketch challenge over at Hogs and Sketches.
You should play along. Really, I mean it.
You've got the entire month to submit your entry!
C'mon, all the cool kids are doin' it.


  1. Nice score! Super cute card, and I can't wait to see what you do with that skyline stamp!

  2. Wow, thats awesome! You're cards are great. I was wondering where you were.

  3. I'm in Rancho cucamonga. I guess Christmas should be my holiday because both my kids are born in December (12/21 and 12/26), but it's just overwhelming. I'm glad you enjoy that blog. It's so you. Have a good day.

  4. Nice booty girl! So glad you decided to play along with us again :-)

  5. Oh YAY! Your card is GREAT! Thanks for being one of the "cool kids" and playing along again this month! :)


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