Current Design Teams

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Macabre Monday #13 Bizarre Beauty School Drop Out

Well, after scouring all of my stamps only to find that I really didn't have anything original to use for this challenge, I decided to draw my own creepy chick.

I am quite pleased with myself. I like the way the drool and her blind eye turned out after about 5 layers of glaze pen and paper glaze (which btw, does not dry very shiny on standard 24# art paper). I was afraid I was going to have to scrap the entire project from the very beginning. I used a Sharpie to ink my outline and didn't realize that Copics will make it bleed until I had already colored her neck and watched in horror as the ink started to blur.
Watercolor pencils to the rescue! I bought this set from SU a few months ago and this is the first time I have used them. They worked really well, although I did go through Copic withdrawl.

Since I am always late at entering Barb's challenges, I have a few cards that didn't make the deadline last week, and I wanna share them anyway.

Okay, I think that's it for now.


  1. daaaang! love your stuff and you drew the girl yourself??? holy moly! awesome possum! k, gotta bookmark your site now ;)
    and thanks for your comment on my card!

  2. Awesome drawing, Gloria! Love how her shoulder is "holding on by a thread" ;) And too bad you missed the deadline on those other ones... dang...
    Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  3. I love all your cards OMG your drawing of the beauty is awesome!!!

  4. Ick! In the best possible way...she is really perfect for the challenge!

  5. What a knockout! She looks like I posed for that pic...LOL great job on the hand drawing! Fab! Oz

  6. OH wow... double WOW.... you really are the creepiest of the creepy... Fantastic as always.. i bow to the master of creepiness.

  7. Lovin' your stuff...and on Sons of Anarchy last night....just jokin' I wouldn't do that....but its GOOD!

  8. I was gonna ask where you got that cool stamp till I read you drew it. totally great job! you've got one scarey little head thing going there. I like that about you.


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