Current Design Teams

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Macabre Monday "Witchie Woman"

Here is my submission for Barb's latest challenge over at Haunted Design House.

The theme was "Witchie Woman", and immediately Stevie Nicks popped into my head. I've been a fan since the early eighties and have always heard rumor of the beloved Stevie being a witch and that she made a deal with the devil for her fame as her voice has been a bit suspect by some.
No matter to me, Stevie has always had a bit of a witchy mystique that I have admired and even wanted to emulate in my younger years.
This little page might be a nice addition to my "Scrapbook of Me", that I plan to make some day.

  I wanted to add this little song snippet from the Eagles song cause I thought it was fitting ('cept for the raven hair part).


  1. cool idea and it turned out great!

  2. That was a great picture to use for this project and I love how you've printed the lyrics from that song. You know, I wanted to name my daughter Rhiannon after the witch in her song, but my DH wouldn't agree!! :-)Traci

  3. Dude... that song was totally going through my head, too ;) And I have always been a Stevie fan... I love what you've done with both! Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  4. I totally had a girl crush on Stevie when I was 8 or 9 and wanted a hooded black cape soooooo bad!

  5. I am such a huge Stevie fan; your card could not be more perfect!!


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