Current Design Teams

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fairies, fairies everywhere!

More fairies.
 I just can't get enough of these fabulous images!

This is my first Christmas card of the season.
I think I will try to make each fairy into a Christmas card.

 I really don't think it's possible to make these gals look bad.

This is probably the one I am most fond of at the moment.
I really like how her wings turned out.
I finally got a chance to use the MS butterfly punch that I picked up on clearance at Wally-World. I embellished the c-rap outta this little dude and it looks much better from FAR away.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of these images in rubber!


  1. Beautiful work! I just love your coloring... you still have my address, right? ;)

  2. Beautiful cards! I see that you have moved on to Christmas. Your snowflakes are so cute!

  3. Think you can come over and give me some coloring lessons? LOVE what you did with these fairies! Way to hard to choose a favorite :-)

  4. Fantastic!! I love how you colored Winter's hair, and the paper you put with her!! And Autumn is my favorite (I love the wicked look on her face - she is having bad thoughts! Ok, maybe that's just me projecting!!) I love what you did with the punch!! :-)Traci


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