Current Design Teams

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hambo Hogs and Sketches challenge #2

My dear friend, MacKenzie suggested I try my hand at this new sketch challenge blog over at Hambo. I am fairly new to sketch challenges and this one seems like a nice and easy way to ease into the concept.
Here is my submission for the Hambo Hogs and Sketches #2 Challenge.
I do find that having the layout already decided for you is nice. That way I can dork off trying to find embellishments and papers instead of stalling at the starting line.
Good fun! I'll be back next month!


  1. Yay! Thanks for playing along with the challenge, and with such a GREAT card too! I love all the papers you used. :)

  2. Congratulations Glowbugg, you're the winner for this month's challenge! See the challenge blog for details as to how you can claim your prize. :)


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