Current Design Teams

Monday, April 20, 2015

Short and Sweet

Today is the start of the new challenge theme at the
The new theme is Flowers.
Pretty easy to be inspired, as spring is in full bloom everywhere you look,
and there are a ton of beautiful, flowery images available at

I picked up a bunch of 4" x 4" canvas boards on sale at Mike's
last week, and wanted to use one for this project. I get tired of
making cards all of the time.
I decided to work with an image that I haven't colored up before.
This is 'Bunnirina'.
She's adorable, right?

The canvas was a nice gray color already, but it didn't
go with my color scheme. I painted it using Deco Art's chalk paint
in the color, 'Timeless'. This is my first time using this paint,
and I love the coverage and the quick drying time. Oh, and no prep
is a big plus, too. This chalk paint gave me a perfect base for the 
pearlized crackle paste put through a fancy stencil. I love that stuff!
First though, I edged the entire canvas using some distress inks.
They bled through the crackle paste beautifully.

Didn't someone say something about flowers?
I dug out a bunch of paper roses, some of which I colored
using Copics, some that I left natural, and a few were already
dyed. I managed to pop in a few pearl dew drops, too. 

I also worked in a pretty floral spray I picked up in the 
wedding section at Mike's. I really like the height and 
interest those types of embellishments add to a project.

As a last added element, I broke out with a new pot of
Rock Candy Distress dry glitter. It added just the right amount of
sugary sparkle the outer perimeter of the canvas. And then while I was
in a glittering mood I used some Stickles on the roses, too. 
Someone is going to make me cash in my creepy card for this project.
But I don't care. This is was so fun to make.

So sweet! 
I hope you'll stop by the AW challenge blog and see all of the other
fabulously flowery projects the DT have created for this theme.

Thanks for stopping by today.

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:


  1. EEEK! ADORABLE! this little bun bun deserves an easel all her own. FAbulous technique you've used on the canvas. Will be on the lookout for some of those. Love your delicate coloring of the image, as well. (Are you going soft? LOL) xxD

  2. Glo, I LOVE this!!! I don't see this image out there very often, so you can just imagine my delight in seeing you use it on this gorgeous canvas project! Love how you worked your magic on the canvas - looks beautiful!! And all the embellishments are just perfect!! I love the white cheeks on the bunny, too. Pure magic!! I LOVE that you're on my DT at Aurora Wings. ^_^

    Big hugs,
    Mitzi xxx

  3. this is soooo stunning! not what I've come to know you for......mistress of Mayhem, but still - an incredible make! Love those canvases too..... I am alsmost a bit sad I'm not located in the States, you guys get all the great sales... :P


  4. Aww Glo this is just simply too cute for words....I absolutely love it hun!!!
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  5. Thanks for entering our Not Just Cards Challenge and good luck!
    Monica - DT

  6. This is adorable a gorgeous canvas! thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin' hugs Sue xx

  7. Great canvas love the cute image and great embellishmentsHi just popping back to say-Thank you for joining us at Artistic Inspirations
    Carol DT x

  8. What a lovely card! It is great to see you sharing at Fussy & Fancy Friday and good luck with the Challenge. Judy x DT


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