Current Design Teams

Friday, April 17, 2015

Little Kitsune, Anko

In retrospect, I guess I have always kind of had
a thing for foxes. I have a few different fox stamps, 
a paper mache fox I picked up at WallyWorld a while back,
a fox ornament for Xmas, and my leedle dog is named, Foxxi.

(Check out Miss Monster@ shopify. She is an incredible artist!) 
I really like the Japanese Kitsune with nine tails.
I like the version of a white fox with red details.
So, when Mitzi at Aurora Wings shared her newest image,
I was in lurve! 

She doesn't have nine tails, but I'll overlook that
trivial fact for this Little KitsuneAnko.
I colored her with Copics and decided to go with a geisha
inspired make-up. I really love the the bold red eye makeup
against the white powdered face. I had to go with the red geisha lip, too.
Very dramatic. Love it!   

In keeping with my 'less is more' mantra (when using AW images),
I have kept this one pretty CAS only using two dps, some gold Stickles, and 
three red pearls to symbolize The Three Jewels: the Buddha (the enlightened one),
the Dhamma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community of followers).

I really love the linen texture of this DCWV Far East paper pad.
It's always my 'go to' paper pad when doing anything remotely Asian themed.
I think I'm going to pop this little gem into a shadowbox frame
for a friend's birthday coming up. Or maybe she'll just reside in my
craft room for inspiration.

Thanks for stopping by today. Be sure to stop by the AW Showcase blog
to see all the different variations on this fabulous new image available today
at the Aurora Wings Etsy shop, here.  


  1. OMGoodness.... that is divine !! Fabulous image and orgasmic colouring as usual Glo :-D xoxoxo

  2. Your fabulous dramatic coloring just blows me away, Glo! She has a haunting quality that is gorgeous beyond belief. Beautiful papers, too. Will be on the lookout for those, for sure. LOVE this! xxD

  3. Such a fab work, Glo!! Love your coloring! I haven't had a chance to color this baby yet, but I would be inclined to go the same way you went with the white face with red makeup! Love the papers and your CAS approach. Everything about this card is just spectacular!!
    Hehe, well, she's a wee one, so she'll have to grow older and have more magical power to get 8 more tails. ;)
    Thank you so much for creating such a gorgeous inspiration for this new release showcase, Glo!

    Mitzi xxx

  4. You have mad colouring skillz, Creepy Glowbugg! I saw some copics at the art supply store the other day but I passed them by. They'd be wasted on me - my skillz haven't improved since I was about five. ;)

    Actually, I don't like referring to what you do as 'colouring'. It's so much more! But I can't come up with a better word at the moment. :)

  5. When I saw this sample I knew right off who was the colorist. I know that the red make up is down your alley, but I must say that you are the best so far with red eyes. That's my opinion. Great job! I so appreciate your continued inspiration! Hugs!


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