Current Design Teams

Monday, April 6, 2015

Going to hell. Can I save you a seat?

DISCLAIMER: This is my blog. I am a person who fancies herself
pretty funny. Snarky. And even a flat out smart ass. What I create is
never intended to offend, but ultimately I have no control over
how you choose to interpret my art. Proceed with caution, 
and with your big girl/boy panties on.  
There, I said it. Or I wrote it. Whatever. It's out.
Yesterday was Easter, and in honor of the first zombie ever, 
I have created a small tribute in his likeness.
I was inspired to create said homage by the new challenge at
Haunted Design House - Going Green With Envy.

Yup. I went there.
It is no big secret that I don't lend much credence to organized religion.
I wasn't indoctrinated into a religion as child, and have never been able
to wrap my head around giving myself over to a higher power. 
 I do, however, consider myself somewhat spiritual.
And that works for me. 

Anyhoo, I found this guy at my local thrift store, and
after my giggles of insane inspiration subsided, I got to work
making him into the true zombie he was always meant to be. 

After several coats of various acrylic paints and washes,
he was complete. And far more interesting than the way
that I originally found him.

While straightening, and purging my workspace I happened
upon this tiny dancer. Also a thrift store find.  

After the official "Creepy Zombie Concoction" has been applied,
she is the star of the zombie ballerina recital.

Thanks to this challenge theme, I have been inspired to start painting the 
numerous statues and figurines I have been collecting. I have some cows,
a trio of babies, and even a Buddha that are all dying to be zombified and given
a new life. Most of which will end up in my Etsy shop by the end of the month.

Remember to stop by the HDH blog to check out all of the incredible art that
my fellow Minions have created for this inspiring challenge.



  1. EXCELLENT !!! What fabulous creations... I am totally impressed by the perfect transformation of your thrift shop goodies :-D :-D
    Way to go Glo :-D xoxoxoxoxox

  2. LOL I love the zombie Jesus, I never looked at the Jesus being the first Zombie in that way, but I think you are right . It is funny anyway, I wonder ....did He eat brains????

    love your art and your humor, :-)

  3. I love how your mind works :) Thanks for this. Nice work.

  4. Quite brilliant, my dear! Can't wait to see your other "zombified" finds. xxD

  5. Totally love the zombie jesus. Pure brilliance

  6. would have loved to see how he looked in the very beginning :-)

  7. And BTW, My seat's already reserved (right next to yours! ;D ) xxx

  8. Ha, I love your humor! Great zombie jesus! :)

  9. Totally love the zombie jesus. Pure brilliance

  10. I have already reserved my seat... next to the aisle as i'll need the loo pretty often.
    I am glad 'you went there'.... wonderful idea, perfectly executed :)
    Keep up the great work. love xxxxxx

  11. I couldn't stop laughing at the mental image of your "giggles of insane inspiration"!! XD And I love the zombie ballerina, too. Actually, I have the unzombiefied version - was a gift from my old ballet teacher who had the most impressive collection of anything and everything that had to do with dance and ballet... :D

  12. Add me to the list... maybe we can rent a party bus for the trip to Hell ;-) Love, love, love your zombie Jesus! And if people can't laugh about it they're taking life WAY too seriously.

  13. LOL, perfect! Showed my husband and he asked when we could meet you. You would fit right in with our group. Thanks for sharing you and your wit! Hugs!

  14. "Creepy Glowbugg" has been included in our Sites To See #430. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  15. I think your paint jobs are fantastic. I love the finish on them. They are both brilliant but the little ballerina is actually quite superb. xx


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