Current Design Teams

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A real oddball spring

It's the middle of April and it's 90 degrees out today.
Very odd. And pretty scary considering we're in the fourth
year of a drought here in California. Fire season is gonna suck.
And it's already begun two months early. Yikes.

Since odd seems to be the word of the day, I thought 
I'd color up this pretty little Oddball Art Stamps fairy
and play along with the current challenge at Oddball Art Stamp Co.,

I get tired of making cards all of the time, and since I have
quite a collection of tags I use to mop up my leftover distress inks,
I thought a tag was a good idea.

This is 'Sweet Sai'. Isn't she a cutie?
And, as is my usual M.O. I have colored her with
unconventional skin tones and hair color. Fairies are 
magical creatures, and should be colored accordingly. 

I sprayed a small clothespin with Dylusions spray in Cherry Pie to match
my project. The clothespin already had the hole in it, so it was super
simple to add that dragonfly charm. I stamped out a fairy sentiment 
from Kraftin' Kimmie. I am a big fan of the Kraftin Kimmie sentiments.

When I hear the word spring, I think of flowers.
And I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have a shit ton of old
flowers in my stash. I layered up five flowers of varying oldness
and even added an equally dated leaf. I like how it turned out,
and am glad to have used a few of my ancient fleurs.  

I used a diamond patterned stencil and some crackle paste to
add some texture and interest to the tag. I think my crackle is old
as it didn't real crackle much. I ended up rubbing some of it off with my
fingers to give it an aged appearance. I also dusted the diamonds with 
Stickles for a nice sparkle. I dug even deeper into my stash and found some
chipboard glittered flourishes and dew drops. Nice touches.

  I had fun making this tag. Gave me a chance to use
up some stash and make something pretty with it.

I'd like to enter this tag in the following challenges:
Left of Center - Tag or ATC (mine's a tag) 


  1. Glo, She is amazing ! The dazzling skin tone makes perfect sense. I would love to know your formula. I also feel that by choosing the soft aqua for the dress and green for the the stockings, She could magically blend in with the flowers and only be seen by choice. Which makes the whole piece that much more special and whimsical. Another fantastic project from a talented lady

  2. OOOh so cute! Always love your non conventional skin and hair tones. Truly magical and WOW on the background and fab embellies. LOVE it! xxD

  3. awesome <3 esp. love the background - can i have my kitchen walls this way?

  4. Love your entry to The Corrosive Challenge! So bright and cheery! I just bough this digi and have yet to use it! LOVE LOVE LOVE your creation! Thanks for joining in our challenge, and I wish you the best of luck!

  5. I love this tag! I wish I had made it,hehe! The colors are all beautiful as usual, and beautifully colored! The texture, the sparkle, the flowers, and details; It's all just perfect! Such a great feeling when you get to use vintage items from your stash,eh? I'm inspired to try some of these fab colors! Hugs!x

  6. Great tag! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create and I hope you'll join us again soon.

    Em AKA Creative Em
    613 Avenue Create DT

  7. Gorgeous tag! Love your fairy and how you've colored her so beautifully. How fun to use all those goodies from your stash. I especially love the crackly paste diamonds you've added. Thanks for joining us at LOC.

  8. Wow this is absoulutely stunning. Thank you so much for joining us at Oddball Art Stamp challenge.
    Naz xxx

  9. Fabulous! Love her skin & hair colours......gorgeous embellies too! Thanks for joining us over at oddball Art & good luck!
    Jo x

  10. Your tag is totally amazing, just like you. Perfect coloring, perfect finishing touches. Thanks for joining us at Oddball Art! :)


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