Current Design Teams

Friday, March 13, 2015

Little Green Oddball

Westmoreland nesting Lion

Okay, it's taken me a good solid week to recover from my Dad's visit.
The visit itself was actually quite nice. It was the week before that really
effed me up. My Dad was a first sergeant in the Air Force. One of his weekly
duties was to inspect the barracks for cleanliness. He pretty much white gloved
every one's room in search of an infraction. And usually found at least one.
Welcome to my world. 
Imagine growing up in a household with a weekly inspection of sorts. 
Inspections I usually always failed. Always.

Scratching Dog Stone Animal

Fast forward some 25 years later, and after seven years apart he decides to come
visit. He hasn't seen me or my family in seven years. We left Texas on bad terms,
and it wasn't until the death of my Mother almost two years ago, that we began 
speaking again, and healing our fractured relationship. My Dad and I are 
ridiculously alike. Hence the wedges we both drive...
So to say I gave my house a thorough cleaning would be overstating
an insurmountable task. But I did do a pretty good job of making everything
appear to be tidy and dusted. I have a shit ton of chotchkies and dust collecting
collectibles, and crap, so dusting in itself is quite a chore. Plus, we have
three dogs, and two long haired cats, who produce their own miniature 
replicas out of shed hair every other day. Makes ya wanna come and visit my
hairy dust bowl of a curio shoppe doesn't it?

My Mom's wedding ring and everyday ring

Anyhoo, after a nice 4 day visit, good food, and an expected apology, I had to 
take a few days off to rest my aching back, and start going through all 
of the treasures my Dad brought me that belonged to my Mom. He was quite
generous with this delivery. I got all of her jewelry, her stone animal collection,
photo albums and scrapbooks that she made, a couple of pieces from her 
Westmorland Nesting animals collection, and various other cherished items.

 My Dad's stuffed animals from his childhood.

I think we're in a good place now. Finally.

Now I'm ready to get back into create mode and make some art!

I am a new fan of Oddball Art Stamps. I have a few of their images,
but haven't played with most of them yet. This little guy came with
a cool demon girl, but I wanted to use him all by himself for this ATC.

How cay-oot is he? Soooo cute! I have a thing for voodoo dolls.
Always have, just ask my husband...
"Can I have a lock of your hair?"
"What for?"

I popped this guy up on foam for dimension, after coloring him with Copics.
I used some Halloween paper scraps and skull glitter tape from
Recollections at Mike's. I found two punched hearts in black and 
added Firefly Stickles to make them sparkle. Added the "love me"
and this ATC is fini.  

I'd like to enter this ATC in the following challenges:
Wicked Wednesday ATC challenge - #149 Going Green
(I think this might qualify for both, depending on how ya look at it)


  1. Oh Glo - I'm so glad you had that visit with your dad. Sending you a big hug. And this ATC is just too stinkin' cute... thanks for playing with us at Wicked Wednesday! xoxoxoxoxo :)

  2. Ooooh I love reading your posts! This cutey greenie is awesome and caught my eye, had to come see! So happy you have recovered from your visit. The pictures are dynamite and amazing.

    Love your ATC, coloring is so awesome. Love how you manage to pop so much into a small space! Thanks for playing with us for Challenge #69 at Left of Center! ~kim

  3. Glad you survived and came out in a better place with your Dad. Love seeing the cherished keepsakes. Your ATC is fabulous! Love that little guy on his own, like that. I covet that skully glitter tape, too. Now that your house is in order, can you come clean mine? xxD

  4. I understand estrangement from a parent. So I feel for you. *HUGS* I too have recently been in contact with a parent after about 12 years of not speaking. Glad things worked out for you. The ATC is adorable. You always find the cutest/creepiest images and choose great colors.

  5. ugh must have been a strange feeling but nice that you got so many memory items of your mom!

  6. Fantastic ATC, love love love the grumpie and how you presented him. How wonderful to get some lovely keepsakes that were your Mums. Enjoy the clean house ;) Thanks for joining us at Wicked Wednesday :)

  7. Hey there - so glad your Dad's visit went well :-) Shame about the cleaning though... yuk !!!
    FABulous ATC and I love that little guy too. Wonderful colouring Glo :-)
    IKE xxxx

  8. Oh wow, I love this card! Such a great image, and perfectly coloured! Thanks for joining us at Naughty or Nice Challenges!

  9. Amazing coloring and fab card! Very cool image and I love the skull glitter tape :) Thanks for joining us at Naughty or Nice Challenges this month! Good luck!

  10. Wonderful ATC, love this little voodoo doll and that sparkly skull tape is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us at LOC.

    Glad you had a nice visit and now you have some new treasures from your mom & dad :)

  11. Trippin cute ATC, your coloring is perfect! Love your highlights! Awesome gilltery skully green ribbon too! And the image is cute! Thank you for sharing with us at LOC!
    (LOC DT)

  12. Your furry dusty curio shop sounds just fine to me. It's lovely to hear that things are improving with your dad, and how wonderful to get some of your mum's things. That must have brought back memories. I came here having seen your ATC on Left of Center and now I may never leave! Love it - off to look for that stamp now. Thank you so much for sharing your fab art and hopw to see you again at LOC.

  13. So glad to hear your Dad's visit went well. More goodies for your extensive collection. Fabulous ATC as always. I don't think you have ever made anything I haven't absolutely adored. xx


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