Current Design Teams

Monday, March 16, 2015

Safely hiding in my comfort zone

Today is the beginning of a new challenge over at Aurora Wings.
I think the theme has to be pretty much everyone's favorite,
Anything Goes.
It's definitely one of my favorite themes.

I was having a hard time coming up with something new, 
and out of my comfort zone. Then it hit me. Pastels. I am not a fan of
pastel colors as a whole. I don't wear them, I don't use them in my art,
and I don't relish the pastel overload of Easter.
You could say that pastels are way out of comfort zone. Way out.
I love the artwork of the "White Lady" Aurora Wings image, and have
been wanting to use her for quite some time. The color scheme tried
to get away from me a few times, and I'm still not convinced this isn't 
a huge fail, but I am trying to stretch myself into new directions artistically. 

After clear embossing the beautiful face and shoulders, I colored the 
background using Distress Inks. This stopped my attempt at water coloring
from ruining the entire image. And since I chose such an odd color combo,
I colored my own paper roses to match using Copics and rubbing alcohol.
I added in some white glittered chipboard scrolls and some dew drops
to try and pull the colors around the page. And added some Stickles for more sparkle.
Overall, I am not upset with this card. It's not my usual jewel tones and massive 
color saturation, but I do like it.

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. VERY different for you, but beautiful, none the less, Glo! It's fun to stretch your wings and especially with such a fabulous result. Gorgeous work! xxD

  2. Ooh, I just love the colours and the design you chose, simply gorgeous work!

  3. I tend to associate the DoD theme images with red roses and white painted faces, but it's always been a pleasant surprise when I do see pastel colors used on these images. I love the results here of your experimentation, Glo! I always admire it when artists get adventurous and step out of the comfort zone and pull it off. ;) Thank you for making such a gorgeous inspiration for the AuroraWings Challenge.

    Mitzi xxx

  4. when pastels are used like this they are definitely pretty! - not much of a fan of pastels here usually, too!

  5. It's very beautiful, especially since it's pastels! Nicely done!! :)

  6. Great card! Thanks for playing along with us over at Inkspirational! :-)

  7. What a cool card! Really fantastic!
    Thanks for joining us at Fairytale Stampers!

  8. If any skeleton that has her jaw hanging out could be beautiful, it would have to be this one. Love the pastelly color scheme! Thanks for linking it up at Eclectic Ellapu!

  9. Love your color scheme. It's a great feeling to go outside your comfort zone and be successful! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational.

  10. Thanks for joining the pink team at EE this month with your wonderful project. Carol DT x


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