Current Design Teams

Monday, March 2, 2015

Always in the Naughty Corner

Growing up as an only child meant that I was
always in trouble because there was no one else around
 to blame shit on. I was easily bored, what can I say?
I was always on restriction or grounded. Most of my summers
and school vacations were spent with a chore list, and a
consequence if the list wasn't completed by end of day. Which actually
meant end of business day, so 4 PM when my Mom got home from work.
And even though I crossed stuff of the list as I went, I always
managed to miss something, or more often than not, I just
didn't do it right. Which makes sense in retrospect because
I didn't start doing stuff on the list until about 3:30PM.
Kids are so dumb. Or maybe it was just me... 

Which brings me to my card for today.

The new challenge at HDH is The Naughty Corner.
What's really nice about these challenge themes is that you can 
interpret them any way you'd like, as long as they're creepy,
risque, Gothic, Steampunk, or Hallowe'en inspired in some way.
No cute shit in the dungeon. That doesn't fly with the Minions. 
Anyhoo, this schmexy sistah is from a now defunct(or renamed?)
shop that is no longer carrying her, so I'm going to call her,
"Helllloooooo Nurse!". Any Animaniacs out there?
I am quite pleased with how her mask turned out. 
I made the mistake of coloring it with flesh tones first, but
after some colorless blender and blue greens, I think it 
gives the impression I was hoping for.
She works perfectly with this sentiment set from
Hambo Stamps. I just love their funny two part sentiments.
But, it looks as though they are selling off the last of their stock,
 so snatch 'em up while you still can.  

Perfect snark in all it's glory!

Say goodbye to the pretty lady....

I hope you'll join us over at Haunted Design House for some
naughty good times and play along in our month long challenge.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:



  1. Super awesome card. Of course I love all those fabulous colors you do so well! What a fabulous image! You have been a very naughty girl!
    I'm going to have to spank you for not telling me about Hambo stamps sooner!! I love this sentiment!! Now I have to go shopping when I'm not supposed to, and I will be in the naughty corner. x
    Her mask is brilliantly colored! I love that she's outlined in black.

  2. AMazing coloring on this naughty nurse! Love how you can see the nose and lip impressions in the mask, and of course, the red hair. I think if your stealing body parts, you oughtta start with an eyeball. LOL ;D xxD

  3. Absolutely awesome colouring on this schmexy nurse! And it's hard to top unexpected snark. :D Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  4. Fantastic card - I love how you did the mask and hair.

    Thanks for the heads up about Hambo; I'll blame you if I spend too much! LOL

  5. I LOVE animaniacs!!! He he he...helllllloooooo nurse!!
    I also LOVE the "dibs on your organs" Muahhhh ha ha haha
    Thanks for joining the sisterhood of snarky stampers for our "A is for Accident" challenge!!

  6. Love the inside sentiment.. great coloring. Awesome Thanks for joining us at Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.

  7. Fabulous card for the challenge, love the sentiments thanks for joining us at the sisterhood of snarky stampers for the A is for Accident challenge.

  8. Gorgeously colored image! Love the snark on the inside! Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  9. Your coloring is amazing! Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  10. Aww what kid wants to do chores though when their are dragons to defeat or zombies to run from! Your colouring as always is PERFECTION! Superb card. x

  11. Fab creation, thanks for joining Stamping Sensations, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x


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