Current Design Teams

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Short and Sweet Day 14

I want to say thank you to everyone who has stopped by 
this month, and especially thank you to everyone who has left 
a thoughtful comment and words of encouragement.
I still feel like c-rap, but I have promised myself
that I'd keep going even though my reserve projects ran out
three days ago. So much for trying to plan ahead.


Here's another ATC (Artist Trading Card) using that
cool technique found here. I used watercolor paper and
I really like the texture it provides.

This cutie (yes, I can do creepy cute, too) is from Kraftin' Kimmie,
and she's called, 'Happy Vampy', but I don't think she's available
any longer. She's not listed on the website anywhere that I could find.
The sentiment says, "Paranormal Princess", and it's from Stamp Insanity.
Also now discontinued and defunct. Sorry.

I'm gonna call it a night and try and get some sleep.
I am now entering the coughing stage(s) of my illness.
Try not to be jealous.

Remember to check out all of the talented crafters participating in
the 31 Days of Halloween, and all of the Halloween themed bloggers
participating in the Countdown to Halloween. There is so much creativity
and information being shard, it's nearly impossible to not be inspired in some way.      


  1. Oh Glo, sorry you are still feeling bad, I hope this passes soon and you can enjoy the rest of the month! I love how that technique looks on the watercolour paper! Fabulous image and great colouring, love your ATC! mo x

  2. Aaawww, Sweetie. Not fair that you're feeling so crappy during the most fabulous month of the year. Sure so love this adorable make, though. Fab background and the image is so fun! Rest up, feel BETTER! xxD

  3. Gonna run back to the tut for that background technique as soon as I get through hopping!! Love the image and your coloring! The title/sentiment is super cool!! Fabulous!!

  4. I am so sad to hear you're not only not feeling better but going into a more miserable stage.
    As for preplanned projects, we all know how well advance plans work.
    Life has a way of adding obstacles.
    That is one fabulous background!
    And I have to mention how much I love the kitty's smile... or is it a smirk?

  5. Love your vampire princess, she is so happy and cute! The sentiment font is so cool!. Love all the colors. Get some rest and looking forward to what you share tomorrow!

  6. Your "Happy Vampy" is so cute! Love that background--I'm definitely going to check out that tutorial.

  7. Sweet is right. She is adorable. Love the splattered background.

  8. Feel better very soon and no I do not envy you the coughing stage...I had that part not to long ago so you can keep it to yourself thank you ;0) You're still knocking your projects outta the ball park that's for sure! Love this image and the senti and poop they're discontinued!

  9. Love the background and the image too! Hope you'll be feeling better soon!

  10. Wow that's some color girl. This is my daughter reincarnate with black spiky hair and bat wings I love it

  11. Beautful AtC, great image and colors.

  12. I love this, I think it's my favorite! Creepy cute image and I love how you've colored her and that background technique is so cool, I'm going to have to give this one a try. Fab work!

  13. OMG - soooo cute and her sweet little kitty :-) LUV this image. Wonderful background Glo :-)


    IKE xx

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  14. What a delightful ATC! Love that BIG OLE GRIN!!! Even though you feel like C-rap! Hang in there! You are doing a fantastic joB!!!!


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