Current Design Teams

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lucky #13 Day 13

Today is starting out to be quite the busy day for me.
I have a Halloween themed Delicious Darkness art project to share.
I will also be sharing my latest and greatest Universal Monster
procurement from ebay.

I made another tabbed insert to go in my paperbag album.
I'm going to finish that thing this year if it kills me.
And it just may.

I used the Aquarius image from Delicious Doodles Horrorscope line.
She just oozes Halloween doesn't she?
Among other things....  

I used the Stampin' Up tab punch and added a big ol' jack-o-lantern 
brad to make it super Halloweenie. And let's not overlook that
fabulous ribbon. It's one of my favorites for Halloween projects. 

I added the Black Bat label that was cut out of some random dp.
I like the look of that label. Makes the whole page look like a spooky
advertisement in a Halloweentown paper.  

And that's my project for this month's challenge at
Delicious Darkness. Drop by and check out the other
Halloweenie makes from the rest of the DTs.

 And as promised....

Here is my new treasure!!
I am a collector of many things, and one of them is vintage metal lunch boxes.
I have many non-vintage ones as well, but the old ones are my true gems.

This one is only 9 years younger than me. 
I think that qualifies as vintage. 

It's in pretty good shape considering most kids used to bowl
with theirs on the blacktop, and in the concrete halls at school. 
I know I did, anyway.

Super nice graphics. Bright colors.

And there he is! All smiles, and waving like a sweet lagoon creature. 

Slight dent, but not too bad. I have some boxes in worse shape.

These two make me giggle.

And I just had to share the inside. Most lunch boxes look as
though someone left a dirty diaper in it, and then closed it up for 
20 plus years. I have scrubbed such boxes before. 
I just keep telling myself, "It's just sandwiches and bananas."
Even without the thermos, I am thrilled with this purchase. 

See ya tomorrow with another Halloween art project for 
And more of my Halloween hoarding collectibles. 


  1. Wonderful witch! You are so right, does seem like a Halloween Town paper ad, it is perfect! Love the jack o lantern brad, so cool!
    Your new collectible is awesome, such great condition too!
    Have a spooky day!~kim

  2. I love your brightly colored card, and you are correct that ribbon IS fabulous! Your vintage lunchbox is awesome, I can believe how wonderful all those picture on it are.

  3. WOW! Love this fab new insert for your album! Great Halloween colors and the poison label rocks! Your lunchbox is one fab find. Nearly pristine. Lucky you! xxD

  4. Beautilfully done insert! I love the colours. I am also experiencing complete and utter lunch box envy!

  5. Love your bright coloured card and such a wicked witch!

  6. Wow so much beautiful color and wonderful wonderful layout thank you so much for sharing your inspiration

  7. Beautiful card, great coloring. Love the lunch box!

  8. What a truly boooootiful creation today, love the colors and your witch is a delight in a wicked cool way! Love your monster lunch tins!

  9. Wow!!! I love your page for today - the DP Is stunning, the ribbon is yummy and your colouring of the image gorgeous as always! I adore this! And your lunchbox - soooo cool!!! I love it! thanks for sharing! mo x

  10. Her glass eye is super creepy and well done! This could be an ad in the Ghouls Shopper Paper! Love that ribbon it is wonderful! The pumpkin brad brilliant! So much color it is absolutely fab!!

  11. L O V E your lunchbox. Each side and cover is horrifically wonderful!
    Very cool to have the inside in such good shape.
    Also love the pumpkin brad. I have not seen those around here either.
    Great subtext on the Bat label. Love what you've done with her eyes.

  12. Fantastic project. Love your coloring and the elements you have added.

  13. Love your lunchbox!! Also love that witch - superb colouring! Great project!

  14. Loving your piece today! That ribbon is fantastic, and your coloring of the witch is perfect.

  15. Haha. Always love your "puns"! Yes, she oozes Halloween! You have an eye for great images! and where to FIND them! Thank you for all the hard work!


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