Current Design Teams

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Halfway there ... barely. Day 15

All coughing and no sleep, makes Glo a dull girl.
Still sick. Hopefully, I'll be better before the end of the month.
Gah! I sure hope so!

Here's a very rudimentary card. That's fancy talk for simple.
I used a Birdie Brown image (now defunct and unavailable),
of a sweet monster trio. 

I used my "BOO" Sizzix die for the first time. I like it.
Maybe when I'm feeling better I'll get more creative, but for
now this will have to do.

I did pick up these cute monster spoons a while back.
I've seen them around for a while, but managed to resist
the urge to buy them until now. 

Since they are intended for kiddos they really don't fit well in an
adult mouth. Don't worry about how I know this.
One or two will probably end up in my giveaway coming up.
Maybe they'll be good for embossing powder or something.
And I'm keeping the purple one since it is the one that I defiled...   

Thanks for stopping by and for all of the great comments! 
Remember to check out all of the talented crafters participating in
the 31 Days of Halloween, and all of the Halloween themed bloggers
participating in the Countdown to Halloween. There is so much creativity
and information being shared, it's nearly impossible to not be inspired in some way.   


  1. Hahahah laughing at the spoons!!! Love your card, I like a rudimentary one now and then and this is sooo cute with those images! mo xxx

  2. Such a fun card, Glo! Those monsters are adorable and so are those spoons. Especially love the germy defiled one. LOL FEEL BETTER!!!!!! xxD

  3. aww hope you get some rest soon! Love your card, the monster trio is so amazingly cute almost as cute as the spoon! Take care~kim

  4. Cute card. Love these little monsters. Too cute too spook. Fun and interesting spoons. I like them.

  5. You know, I think those would make good medicine spoons.
    This weather is making me feel a bit yucky too.

    Your card is both cute and spooky.

  6. Love the Boo and cute little images on your card! Feel better soon!

  7. Love the spoons! Like the background paper on your card - and the boo - and the monsters! Not quite so rudimentary!

  8. What a bootiful card, I love those monsters and Oh my GHOUL what fun spoons LOL!

  9. Lovely card, cute monsters and fab sentiment. Hope you get better soon.
    That giveaway is going to be awesome.

  10. It may be simple, but sometimes simple is the best! Love those cute monsters! Feel better soon. :)

  11. A awesome bunch of monsters! Lovely coloring and I love the card!!

  12. Adorable card, love your boo die. Those little spoons are too fun!

  13. Sizzix envy again. Love the boo.

  14. Fantastic card, you can never go wrong with monsters! =)
    Cool spoons, I like the green one! =)
    Get well soon!
    Hugs, Elenor

  15. Poor Glo. I hope that you are feeling better! Your artwork does not reflect your illness I am glad to share! Always a delight to visit the Glo's site! Thank you for sharing even though you are sleepless due to coughing and congestion. Remember when Forrest asked that of his Jenny? I love that movie. Good one to watch when you are down and out sick on the couch.


Feel free to comment or just vent.