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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hey! Is that my mojo? Day 16

Short of using nothing but four letter words, 
I am so happy to be feeling (if only slightly) better!!!
I must have really pissed off the karma police for this
kind of payback. Wish I could at least remember if it was 
worth it or not.  

Day 16 of the Countdown and 31 Days blog hops
promises to be a good one, trust me.

First up is a page I made for my Halloween themed paper bag album.
I am determined to finish this album this month.

This page is opposite the page I made last year that also has a 
Simply B Stamps image by Abigail Larson. 
This one is called, 'Jack and Jill'.

I colored Jill and Jack with Copics in my favorite and brightest
Halloween hues of orange, green, purple, and of course, black. 

I added Orange Peel Stickles to the die cut spider web, which now matches
the orange acrylic dots I added to each corner. The dp is Midnight Magic Halloween
from Recollections, and the border is a border sticker from Martha Stewart.
The black flourish is an acetate piece from parts unknown.

I'd like to enter this page in the following challenges:

And then I have a giveaway. Well, actually TWO giveaways.

One for the Halloween loving paper crafter.

There are stamps, Martha Stewart paper pad and stencils, Sizzix dies, ribbons, 
a cool monster spoon, and various crafting embellies.   

There's a pumpkin scented jar candle from Salem, MA, too.
I'll probably add a few more goodies before the deadline of 10/25. 

This prize is for the (non-crafting) Halloween lover.

There's a candy corn scented jar candle from Salem, MA, a cool monster spoon,
stickers, a monster whoopee cushion (worth the price of admission right there),
a coffin, a skeleton rubber ducky, and a handmade card. 

Along with some eyeball gumballs, there is this guy.
He was a blind box double in my stash. You're welcome.
How do you enter to win such treasures?
It's quite easy.
First Offense: You must be (or become) a follower of my blog.
I hope you decide to stick around after the giveaway is over, but
if not, it's your loss.
Second Offense: Leave a comment on this post telling me
which giveaway you'd like to win. Crafty or non-crafty.
Final Offense: Also include your favorite Halloween or Horror
movie in your comment. No particular reason, just bein' nosy. 

And there you have it. 
You are entered to win one of two giveaways. 
I will randomly choose a winner on October 25th.
These giveaways are open to overseas entries, but be prepared to pay
all applicable import taxes that are implemented in your country.



  1. LOVE this page, the flourish is gorgeous! She is colored brilliantly! Love the super bright colors! Always so many fun elements to see.

    Your giveaway is so generous! Both sets are totally awesome! If I have to pick, would have to be crafty 'cuz I am such a sucker for stash stuff >.<
    Favorite movie......Nightmare Before Christmas, 'nuff said:)


  2. First things first! Your project is wonderful! The colors are glorious and the die cuts are wonderful with the stickles!! So project absolutely awesome! Next glad you are feeling slightly better! Also I may or may not (Did) blame my beginning icky feeling on visit! The goodies: I would love either pack but in fairness I am a crafter and I am following you like I wouldn't have been back...! And promise to favorite scary movie is "Charlie Brown's Halloween". Honestly. Promise.

  3. So happy to know that I am not the only with projects that still need to be finished from months and years past! Wonderful vintage cover and now want to make one! You always have such beautiful done pieces and today's is no different. Love the use of the bright colors and you are the shading master! So gorgeous and wish could see IRL.

    Ohhh, giveaway gore-lore! Am going to have to vie for the NON-Crafting stash. Is it bad that I already have most of the crafting stuff??? So love what is in the NC stash esp. the key chain. Thank you for this!

    Fav Halloween Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Fav Horror Movie: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Gots to be black and white!

  4. I always love your projects and this is no exception. Your giveaways are awesome and of course I would choose the crafty one. My favorite Halloween/Horror movie would be Trick r Trick...I love Sam and I can't wait til they come out with #2!!!

  5. I will do a separate answer for the giveaway. I am happily a follower.
    Jill is a beautiful page, with amazing bright colors. I'd be a little afraid of those dangling vines though.
    The spiderweb in orange is a nice change.

  6. I am a follower, various ways. I hope to (plan to) visit even after this hop.
    While I would love to win either giveaway, since you have inspired me so, I'd like to try the crafty giveaway.
    I like the old black and white movies, such as
    1931 DRACULA starring Bela of course

  7. Another fabulously colourful image Glo - always love your style.
    Two giveaways at once - decisions, decisions....can I be entered for both draws??
    If not I will go for the crafty stash as there are a few items that I haven't seen for sale here in the UK and I'm always looking for something 'different'.
    I'm not a big fan of horror films except for classic Hammer Horror, so I'll choose a Halloween film as my favourite....Disney's HalloweenTown.
    Thanks for the chance to win (have followed you).

  8. Love your album page. Your coloring is phenomenal. Love all the details. I am a follower and if I won I would love the crafting stash. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp is my favorite Halloween movie.

  9. Well, this is all sorts of gorgeous and creepy (in a good way - it's Halloween after all). Your coloring is impeccable. I'm in love with the black flourishes at the top. Are these die cuts or just one piece with an adhesive backing? Just curious. Thank you for joining DoubleClick Skittle for our Halloween challenge.

    Wow - so you are doing a give away.... What scares me in Halloween movies is the unseen. That's why Oculous is my current favorite scray movie. It does help that Karen Gillan is in it and she is from Doctor Who.

    That means, I would want to win the bundle of Martha Stewart paper...
    If you make the base of the project creepy and scary, then you can make a sinister shadow to give people the creeps!!!


  10. First of all, I'm glad you're starting to feel better! 2nd, LOVE LOVE LOVE today's page, you've coloured her so bootifully! I just love all the details and layers! GORE-geous!

    3rd, Oooooo what a fabulous giveaway, I'd love to get my mitts on the crafty stuff of course ;0) Oh yes please pick me me me me ;0)

    4th, I've got 2 fave scary movies, the original When A Stranger Calls and The Eyes of Laura Mars eeeeeeek! both still give me chills!

  11. Amazing coloring, Glo! You are so generous to have such an awesome giveaway! I'd like to enter your crafty giveaway please. favorite Halloween or horror movie? There are too many to choose from! My old time childhood favorite is the Exorcist. More modern favorites are Hostel and Dawn of the Dead. I'm sure there are a ton I'm missing. Is it a surprise that my favorite tv show is The Walking Dead? I think I've always been a follower, but made sure of it today.

  12. oh wow rock...and I really don't care what prize crafty or non they both have such awesome stuff...can I choose both?
    and my fave movie....if you have seen my blog this month you know horror is my fave kind of do you pick just one...Rocky Horror Picture show...ha ha I'll go with that and Like LB fave tv show is TWD. thanks again!

  13. Super spooky, great coloring! Thanks for joining us over at the DoubleClick Skittles Challenge! DT Member Carri~Abusybee
    New follower, My fav movie is Hocus Pocus (but only because my kids have watched it over and over!) I'm a crafter so I would pick the crafty giveaway!

  14. First off love the page. The filigree and the moon are faboo.

    I would like to enter for the craft set please. And nosey one can know that my fav is Adams family. I have literally seen it over 1,500 times.

  15. Awesome page! I love your colors... so vivid! I made a paper bag album once for Halloween, with lots of fun die cuts!
    Thanks for a chance at your awesome giveaway! Put me down for the crafty prize, please! I am a brand new follower! And my favorite Halloween movie... an old one called Mr. Boogedy!

  16. You gotta tell us those Copic bright numbers. they're sooo fab! Are they the neons? this is too gorgeous for words. Well duh I'm a follower and you're stuck with me FOEVER! Fave movie? Love the demonic children thing like Rosemary's BAby, the Exorcist and the Omen. Made me remember my pills all those years. LOL Lovin' the prizes. Either of them. Maybe if I win, I'll even save you the trip to the P.O. xxD

  17. Lots of spookiness here! Thanks for joining us over at DoubleClick Skittles Challenge!

  18. Firstly wonderful colouring! Always love your creations and your page!

    Glad to hear you are feeling slightly better!

    How generous to offer these giveaways! I would go for crafty...

    I would go for Rocky Horror Show...

  19. Glad your feeling better. Love your coloring on Jack and Jill!
    Thanks for doing a giveaway! Both are wonderful and I would be happy with either!
    Nightmare on Elm street is my favorite scary movie, I watched it WAY too young and I will always be able to sing the song...1,2 freddy's coming for you......
    oh, and i follow you

  20. Love the Jill image and the way you have colored her is superb! Love that red hair!

  21. Love you page for today,great coloring.
    I've been your follower for a long time and always have lots of fun here.
    I must say that I love the crafty giveaway.
    My favorite movie is Carrie, original version.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  22. I love how your page turned out. The colours are so great together.
    Since I'm already a follower I guess I've committed the first offense while committing the second.
    The third is really hard because I have so many. Growing up I use to watch Hitchcock's "The Birds" every time it came on and I still love it. But I love everything from "Hocus Pocus" to "Hellraiser".

  23. Oooh this is awesome!! I love love love ur work and would like to enter for the crafty one please. My fav movie is Beetlejuice. :D xx

  24. Love your album page, the colors are so vibrant! Awesome give-a-way, how sweet of you. I would love to win either of the prizes but I'm a crafter so I'll put my name in the hat for that one :) Hmmm favorite horror movie... when i was younger I watched everything that came out, now that I'm older I'm a bit of a fraidy cat that creeps me out a lot is the Blair Witch, the last few minutes of the movie...yikes!

  25. What awesome colouring. Love the bright colours and awesome layout. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely creation with us at Through the Craft Room Door.
    Cathy DT Member

  26. Great coloring. Thank you for Linking Up at PDE Linky Party.
    Pause Dream Enjoy Page on Facebook

  27. Oh Glo!!! this is an amazing post today! I love your card, the image is fab and your colouring is awesome as always! I the papers on there too!
    I am in awe at your giveaways!!! Can I join both!? If not, then the crafty one it is - those MS goodies and all those bits that you just dont see in the UK would be very much loved here in my crafty den! I'm sure I already follow you but I'll double check!
    I have to admit to not having seen many scary movies... i did recently watch Rob Zombies House of 1000 Corpses and really liked that. I love halloween animations that I can watch with the kids though- Hotel Transylvania being one of our favs! xxx

  28. Amazing Giveaways Glo you are such a generous lady. Am a follower, would love to win the crafty giveaway and my favourite Horror film is Hellraiser gotta love pinhead right!!!!!!

  29. Probably the crafty, although Halloween is my absolute favorite time of the year so really both would do. Favorite Halloween movie is "Hocus Pocus", yes it is a kids movie but it is fun and I love the witches - hilarious. Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. Hi! I'm a new reader and have added you to my daily list of blogs to read. I found your blog recently during one of my relentless searches to find Halloween blogs. Especially ones that post all year round. I can't get enough of Halloween and I'm always looking for people who share my enthusiasm. I also love that you are crafter as well. I adore papercrafts. I would like to enter the Crafty giveaway tho I'm not picky. My two favorite movies to watch during the Halloween season are Hocus Pocus and Trick R Treat. But I could name so many others that are must watches every year. Hope you have a magical Halloween.

  31. Gorgeous project! Super cool image you colored beautifully and mixed it up with some amazing dies and DP. Thank you for joining our "Color Inspired" Challenge at Love to Create this week.
    Ruza ~ LTC Admin/Designer
    Ruza's Craft Corner

  32. Creepy and wonderful! Thanks for linking up at PDE. DT~Lee-Ann :)

  33. Impressive Halloween image! Thanks for joining our “Spooky” Challenge this week at DoubleClick Skittles.

    Stay Creative,
    • Carson's Creations •
    DoubleClick Skittles DT

  34. I never win anything so I would LOVE to win the Crafty prize-or the non-crafty I am not particular-both are awesome-My favorite Halloweenie type flicks depend on genre-I love CABIN IN THE WOODS, tonight I watched all three Black Lagoon Movies Creature from the, Revenge and walks among us-Poltergiest-it wouldn't be Halloweed without THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE Julie, Clare and Russ makes some great scares and a truly creepy film is PHANTOMS----happy Haunting-and yes I am a follower

  35. I have been a Follower for Donkey's years and I would LUV to win some crafting Halloween goodies pleeeeeez !!
    I guess my fave film has to be the first Hellraiser - Pinhead is awesome and I just love the gory bits bwaaahahahaha

    IKE xxxx

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog

  36. Crafty for sure. Love those gross hands she has!!! OMG!!! Love the glitter outlined owl on top O the pumpkin!

  37. I just love these Halloween colours and your page layout is awesomely spooky :-)
    Thanks for sharing with us at Top Tip Tuesday!
    Kat x


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