Current Design Teams

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'm struggling to find the humor Day 23

I can usually make a joke, or find the joke in anything.
Totally inappropriate most times, but funny none the less.
I have to say it's been a few days since I've laughed. 
I've managed a smile, but no heartfelt guffaws have been released.
Today we found out that my baby, Gabbi also has the parvovirus
despite being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster on Monday.
I feel like such a failure as a pet parent. I let her get sick by not
being educated enough, or diligent enough in keeping her safe. 
But the option of having a vet care for her is completely out of the 
question. We thought it was $900 for  a week's stay at the vet.
More like $900 PER DAY!! We were seriously left with
no option but to care for the sick babies at home. So far we're about
$700 in for all the treatments and IVs, and pills. Too much money,
but far more palatable and reasonable than $900 per day.
Little Foxxi is starting to improve. She kept down water and food today
which is pretty huge. She only weighs 9 lbs to begin with, so keeping
her hydrated and fed proteins is a big step in the right direction.
Still lots of work ahead of us... 
So, if I suddenly stop posting for the hops, you'll know why.
Two sick pups is no fun. 
And leaves very little time to craft...   

Which brings me to my artsy fartsy for the day.

I made a quick ATC using some Martha Stewart paper, 
and a Kraftin' Kimmie image called, Mister Punkin Head.
I perched a glittery, puffy sticker raven on his hand (thanks, Deb),
and added a bat punch to the top for more dimension and interest.

Thanks so much for stopping by and listening to me whine.
I had such high hopes of making some incredible projects and posts 
Being sick for the first half really set me back, and now with the 
furkids, it keeps getting harder to keep up.
I've come this far, so I'm really hoping to see this through.

See ya tomorrow??   


  1. Hang in there! I am so sorry to hear both pups are sick! Best wishes and thoughts to you and your furkids.

    Happy you made some time to play, it is a fun ATC, great colors and images. Small is good and fast:)


  2. Oh hon! I'm so sorry that Gabbi was infected too. I know you're heartbroken but we're all sending you hugs and healing vibes and best wishes that both your babies will get well soon! Hang in there. My thoughts are with you all. Darling ATC. I'm sure you're just exhausted, but it doesn't show in your work. Luv ya, Glo! xxD

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your furkids. We just got over two of our own furbabies (cats) being sick. We had just come home from a family vacation too. One was sicker than the other (two different issues) and that ran us $1200 just for the one. People thought I was nuts to spend so much on a cat, but they're our kids. So I understand your trials and tribulations. I hope they get well soon and despite the worries, I hope you have a magical Halloween.

  4. Fab ATC, love the colors you've chosen for Mr Pumpkinhead.
    Sorry to hear about your furbabies, sending healthy thoughts their way!

  5. Please don't apologize for "whining". As I told you my grandpup (my little heart) had an obstruction and it cost me to this point over $2,000.00. My son paid the first thousand or I would have been knocking on doors begging and a whole lot of folks thing they should just be put down. The cost to save our pets is to me outrageous! No payment plans offered...nothing. I do have to say my vet was very understanding and when my baby needed additional days she gave me extra time to pay ( not nearly enough time for the amount but she was understanding). And don't blame yourself for ignorance about parvo, we have just found out that being vaccinated is not foolproof about them contracting them. Now here in the south they are telling us it is almost epidemic proportions and places like Pet Smart where dogs are allowed to go in is actually spreading it and to avoid having your pets in their which I would never do anyway. My point very long I know is to say you are doing a wonderful act in trying to save one little one and my heart breaks that your own baby contracted it. I have total faith that you will succeed in healing them. My prayers are with you and your babies that I promise. I know how they can be loved so much that it hurts so bad. You have done more than I ever could this month being sick and now this but I am rooting for you to finish the hop and if you don't I think we should let you come back to finish your days!! Sorry I rambled on so long but my heart really goes out to you. After 12 weeks I am still blending Yoshi's special GI canned food for every meal and feeding him often cause he has trouble swallowing anything bigger than a dot. But I do it with love and gratitude that he is with me and I know soon you will be feeding and watering your baby just like the little lost one did today!:)
    Now to your project, knowing the circumstances I find it more amazing than it would have been anyway but with all this you did a super, terrific, fantastic job!! Beautiful work!! Hugs and blessings....Nanette P.S. If you need to talk I am at S&S and will send you my email.....just in case you need or want to.

  6. Even with your dark and depressing news (but never give up hope!)
    You did find a cheerful, fun and bright card to create for us.
    You have a very big heart. We all will send you some faith.

  7. So sorry to hear about your fur babies. It is heart breaking - even though they are not human - they still are apart of our lives. Hoping they get well soon. My thought and prayers go out for you and them. That is a quick ATC. Wow. Looks like you took some time to make it. Love the bright colors and fun papers. Hugs.

  8. So sorry to read about the pups!

    Love the card though- great image!

  9. So sorry to hear about your pups...

    Love the card though...great image! !

  10. that background paper is absolutely perfect with this image. perfect

  11. This ATC is great, love the image and bright colors.

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your pups. I know how animals can be just as dear as family! Love your ATC and the coloring on the image, though! Keep your chin up! :)

  13. So sorry to hear about your furbabies...sending healing loving vibes your way right now! My furbabies are my kiddies and I know full well how stressed and tired you are...been looking after my sick doggie since June too :0( Big hugs!
    and with all that going on you still managed to make a gorgeous project! Love our snazzy pumpkinhead man!

  14. Who knew MS had this type of paper? She seems so...prissy? I'm sorry to hear about your babies and their sickness. It's amazing that you were able to carry on and finish up the 31 days of posting and sharing and just plain putting forth the extra effort when you don't feel like it and are so limited on time. Please know that this hopper has really enjoyed every single post, project and share you did all while feeling under the weather. You made me smile almost every single day of the hop!


Feel free to comment or just vent.