Current Design Teams

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CAS Halloween Day 22

Only NINE more days!!!

Gotta get my money's worth out of this thing.

I am loving this image from Kraftin' Kimmie.
He's called, Kreepy Kitty.
It was nothing short of kismet for me to have this stamp.   

I chose to make a clean and simple card.
I always admire it when other crafters make this kind of
super white and minimal card. I'm not so sure I can pull
it off. I've always had a hard time with the "less is more" concept. 

I had to make this a super quick make today as I am home nursing
a parvo puppy. My husband rescued an abandoned puppy last week,
and we found out Sunday that she has the parvovirus. Since we don't have 
much money in our rainy day fund, we opted to nurse her back to health
at home. Man, that's a lot of work! Not to mention what it does to your
heartstrings. She already seems to have perked up a bit, but we still
have a long road ahead of us.

Thanks for stopping by again today.
I really enjoy your wonderful comments and just
knowing that you took a moment out of your busy day
to stop by and check out my schtuffs.


  1. Adorable stamp! the framing makes it a natural for CAS and your coloring makes it special. Fabulous Glo! Hang in there with the new sick baby. Sending hugs! xxD

  2. I am writing this with tears in my eyes! How wonderful of you to take on that intensive job for this little innocent! My little grandpup had major surgery in July a week before my mom's double mastectomy and I left him only to be with my mom and camped in my kitchen with him as he can't swallow solids because the surgery affected his esophagus and in their I could police his every move! I cried so many tears as we were told he wouldn't make it. I stand and shout how much I think of you and your husband's efforts! Sorry for the book but this touched my heart so much! And many, many lovely thoughts of healing for the baby pup!! Now to your can pull off what you call simple..I call it awesomely fabulous! Super card!!

  3. This card is at the top of my favorites list. Simply Wonderful.
    My heart and prayers go out for you on your other project.
    I have done it when I worked at an animal hospital. Had a litter of 13. Your heart breaks when there is any setback. I was on permanent poop patrol.
    Don't be afraid to call out to local organizations and ask for any help you need.
    You may even find volunteers among your vet staff.
    And some rescue groups may help with additional medications.

  4. Wonderful card, such awesome colors! Best wishes and such a thoughtful task caring for the sick pup!

  5. Wonderful CAS Halloween card. Love your coloring.

  6. Gorgeous moon and kreepy kitty! Great project!

  7. Now that's a kitty cat with attitude ~ great colouring on the Kraftin' Kimmie stamp.
    Sending wishes of health to the puppy and sending energy to you for the puppy care duty.

  8. Oooooo I love Kreepy Kitty, must have that image! Spooktacular card!

  9. Fantastic CAS, Glo. This was a perfect stamp for CAS, it needs nothing else. Good luck with your fur baby. Keeping you and the pup in my thoughts.

  10. I think you've pulled it off beautifully! Love that image of the cat!

  11. I love your CAS card! The image is fab and you've colored it beautifully.

  12. (Laughing at Rebecca's comment) and saying that I loved this card. The image was great and so was the coloring!


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