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Friday, October 24, 2014

I feel like a cheat Day 24

I am still unwilling to throw in the towel on these 31 day long
blog hops. Although I did grapple with the idea more than once.
A friend kindly reminded me that I was sick this time last year.
Hmmm, maybe the stress is more than this old demon can handle anymore.
I guess I had better make the best of it then, huh?    

This is a beautiful  new image from Aurora Wings called, 
With my puppy troubles I was unable to take part in the
release showcase, but I did have her colored, just not  made
into an actual 'thing'.  

So, I scanned the colored image, even though I would lose all
the sparkle from the Stickles and the Perfect Pearls that were on
the original.   

I reduced it down to approximately 3.5" x 2.5"-ish, 
which is much smaller than I can possibly color an image
of this kind of detail. 

I popped her into a sweet little fancy frame, and viola!

Thanks again for all of your wonderfully sweet and thoughtful 
comments regarding my sick furbabies. We're off the IVs for today,
but you never know what tomorrow will hold. So, I'll keep on
happily, and gratefully receiving all of those good vibes.

Be sure to take a stroll down the blog rolls for both the
It's a good way to kill a few hours on some great 
Halloween themed, and inspired schtuff.


  1. Continuing to send love and healing vibes. If I could send you more personal energy I would.
    I love how you thought to shrink down the finished image and use in another way. It is good to remind us to be flexible.

  2. Cheating?... Bullshit, Glo! Your coloring alone is more of a project than many of us could ever imagine doing. Totally gorgeous! Missed you a the showcase but we all knew that family come first. So happy to hear of some improvement but still sending love and healing vibes to you all. Take care and don't you go getting sick again. The babies need their mama. xxD

  3. Wonderful new about the IVs! As you said each day one at a time. And I find I often get sick during the same times of the years and this is my first hop so don't throw the demon towel in due to that! I think there are just seasonal things in the air that tackle us! Your portrait is so stunning! Large is sparkly and shiny and small is amazingly filled with so much detail in such a small space! Looks like it was made for that frame!! Hang in there!! Still sending good vibes....:)

  4. Don't give up - the end is very near. This hop has taken it's toll on me too. But we are almost to the finish line. 7 days to go. I will hold you up and get you there. Hugs. This is a wonderful piece. Love how you colored and shrunk the image to fit into this tiny but beautiful frame.

  5. Wonderful image...I love the wonderful flowers so nicely coloured in! Perfect for the frame!

  6. oh glo, she is perfect. the purple hair, the frame, everything. love it

  7. I am so glad you made it back today! Happy to hear this day is a bit better, keep positive!
    Love your coloring she is gorgeous! Really cool frame.
    Don't give up now, sooo close to Halloween.
    Hang in there and wishing all the best for you and your furkids:)


  8. Ooooooo aaaaaaahhhhhh she's is BOOOOOTIFUL! Love this image and you've coloured her so GORE-geously! No cheating here at all, I like what you did by creating a miniature portrait! How are your furbabies doing today, showing more improvement I hope?

  9. Yes ..absolutely gorgeous. ..and hardly a cheat!!

  10. Great project for today! Love the image and that frame is gorgeous. Hope you feel better soon.

  11. Oh my goodness, she is absolutely gorgeous! Love your coloring and that great frame you placed her in.

  12. I'm so glad your hanging in there with all of us wicked bloggers, you colored Marie so beautifully! She looks perfect in that little frame.

  13. That is so gorgeously coloured - amazing !!
    Glad to hear about the puppies - am sending healing vibes from this end. I hope everything goes ok xoxoxoxoxox

  14. Gorgeous coloring as usual, Glo. And hang in there. I'll be thinking about you and your furbabies.*gentle hugs*

    Mitzi xxx

  15. Nicely done and NOT cheating. :) You r funny!


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